
  • 网络Hurun Report
  1. 追踪中国富人的胡润百富(HurunReport)称刘汉拥有6.5亿美元的财富。

    He had a fortune of $ 650m , according to estimates by Hurun Report , which tracks wealthy Chinese .

  2. 胡润百富(HurunReport)和上海传媒投资公司群邑智库(GroupMKnowledge)对中国富人的最新调查显示,截至去年底,中国内地千万富豪多达102万,亿万富豪达63500人。

    The latest survey of China 's rich from publisher Hurun Report and GroupM Knowledge , a Shanghai-based media investment company , shows mainland China had as many as 1.02 million millionaires and 63500 superrich as of the end of last year .

  3. 胡润百富公司联合汇加顾问集团(VisasConsultingGroup)向141位中国富豪征询了一系列关于移民和财富转移目的地的问题。

    Hurun teamed with Visas Consulting Group to ask 141 wealthy Chinese questions about emigration and where they 're moving their money .

  4. 该公司从福布斯中国富豪榜(ForbesChinaRichList)和胡润百富榜(HurunChinaRichList)等知名富豪榜上搜集了中国富豪的个人财富信息,同时还在榜单上添加了这些人的教育背景。

    The company gathered information of individuals ' wealth from prominent rich lists including those from Forbes China Rich List and Hurun China Rich List , among others , while adding the educational background of those on the list .

  5. 在胡润百富榜(HurunRichList)上,宗庆后以130亿美元的财富位居中国首富,而他还无意在短期内放手自己创立的公司。

    Ranked as China 's wealthiest man , with an estimated fortune of $ 13bn according to the Hurun Rich List , Mr Zong has no desire to let go of the company he founded in the near future .

  6. 根据最新的《胡润百富榜》(HurunRichList),中国已取代美国成为身家10亿美元以上富翁最多的国家,房地产大亨王健林取代阿里巴巴(Alibaba)创始人马云(JackMa)成为中国内地首富。

    China has overtaken the US as home to the most dollar billionaires , according to the latest Hurun Rich List , with real estate tycoon Wang Jianlin overtaking Alibaba founder Jack Ma as the mainland 's wealthiest person .

  7. 但《胡润百富榜》创始人胡润(RupertHoogewerf)表示,若纯以人数计,中国的亿万富翁很可能是世界各国中最多的。

    But for sheer numbers , said Rupert Hoogewerf , the Hurun founder , China probably has the most billionaires of any country .

  8. 今年早些时候,在调查中国富豪方面最有发言权的胡润百富公司(HurunReport)宣布,它所调查的中国富豪中有超过60%的人已经移民到其他国家,或者正在考虑移民。

    Earlier this year , the best company at surveying the rich in China announced that more than 60 % of the people it surveyed had already immigrated to another country , or were considering doing so .

  9. 根据这份有关中国富有的千禧一代旅游者的报告,每年发布《胡润百富榜》(HurunChinaRichList)的《胡润百富》(HurunReport)发现,日本的美食最受青睐,而法国被视为“购物天堂”。

    According to the report on affluent Chinese travellers born after 1980 , the Hurun Report , which publishes the annual Hurun China Rich List , found that foodies ranked Japan highest , while France was viewed as a " shopping paradise . "

  10. 在去年的胡润百富榜(HurunReport)上,严介和被列为中国第七大富豪,身家估计达到142亿美元。同时太平洋建设在福布斯(Forbes)世界500强企业排行榜上位居第166位,年营收达到600亿美元。

    Last year Mr Yan was named China 's seventh richest man by the Hurun Report with a fortune estimated at $ 14.2bn , while China Pacific Construction is ranked 166th on the Forbes 500 list of the world 's largest companies , with annual revenues of $ 60bn .

  11. 其实,这些问题也在困扰着胡润百富公司的创始人胡润。

    It turns out the questions also nagged Rupert Hoogewerf , founder of Hurun .

  12. 胡润百富榜首创于1999年,当年上榜人数仅50位,上榜门槛为600万美元。

    The first Hurun rich list , in 1999 , included only 50 people , with a cut-off of $ 6m .

  13. 《胡润百富榜》基于8月14日的股价编制的,那之后上证综指已累计下跌16%。

    The Hurun report is based on equity values on August 14 , since then the Shanghai Composite Index has fallen 16 per cent .

  14. 胡润百富表示,已选择在上海国际商务航空展和中国国际船艇展发布《擎》杂志。

    Hurun Report says it has chosen to launch wings & water at the Shanghai International Business Aviation Show and the China International Boat Show .

  15. 如果数据是准确的,胡润百富榜进一步显示了房地产和建筑业在中国经济中发挥的巨大作用。

    If accurate , the list offers a further indication of the outsize role real estate and construction play in the Chinese economy , the world 's second largest after the U.

  16. 于上月11日问鼎“胡润百富榜”的中国女首富、“废纸大王”张茵以15亿美元的个人资产名列福布斯榜第五,她创建的玖龙纸业是目前国内最大的包装纸生产商。

    The richest woman was No.5 Zhang Yin , who built a paper-recycling business into Nine Dragons Paper Co. , China 's biggest maker of paperboard for packaging , at $ 1.5 billion .

  17. 胡润百富在一份声明中表示,商务飞机制造商目前估计,未来5年内,中国登记的私人飞机数量可达到1000架,使中国成为全球增长最快的市场。

    Business aviation manufacturers now estimate the number of private jets registered in could reach 1000 within five years , making China the quickest growing market in the world , Hurun Report said in a statement .

  18. 《胡润百富》是出版中国个人富豪榜最著名的杂志,该杂志最近调查了1000名中国超级富豪,发现60%的受访者正在移民过程中或在认真考虑这个问题。

    Hurun Report , a magazine best known for its ranking of the wealthiest individuals in China , recently surveyed 1000 super-rich Chinese , finding 60 % of the respondents either in the process of immigrating or seriously considering it .

  19. 报告显示,在福布斯中国富豪排行榜、胡润百富榜和新财富500富人榜等上榜的富豪企业家中,清华大学最盛产亿万富豪,共有152名校友榜上有名。

    Tsinghua has a total of 152 alumni that qualify for rich lists such as Forbes ' ranking of Chinese billionaires , the Hurun Rich List and the New Fortune 500 rich list , the most among Chinese universities , the report said .

  20. 尽管中国经济放缓,但登上2015年《胡润百富榜》的富豪数量(上榜门槛为身家20亿元人民币(合3.15亿美元))增加680人,至1877人,为有记录以来最大年度增长。去年新增富豪343位。

    Despite the slowing economy , the number of people on the overall rich list - which claims to track anyone with at least Rmb2bn ( $ 315m ) in wealth - rose by 680 to 1877 in 2015 , the largest yearly increase on record and up from a gain of 343 names last year .

  21. 根据追踪富人的《胡润中国百富榜》(HurunChinaRichList),中国最富有的10人中,5名是IT业大亨,而3年前他们还未能进入榜单。

    Five of the 10 richest men in China are tech moguls , up from none three years ago , according to the Hurun China Rich List , which tracks wealthy individuals .

  22. 贾跃亭的财富净值估计为62亿美元,在最新的《胡润中国百富榜》(HurunChinaRichList)上排名第31位。他表示,他自愿永远只领取公司1元人民币的名义年薪。

    Mr Jia , whose estimated net worth of $ 6.2bn placed him 31st on the latest Hurun Rich List for China , said he would accept a nominal salary of Rmb1 for life .

  23. 现年43岁的陈天桥和40岁的妻子在1999年创业。根据《胡润中国百富榜》(HurunChinaRichList),他们的身价达到34.3亿美元。

    Mr Chen , 43 , and his wife , 40 , founded their business together in 1999 and have a fortune of $ 3.43bn , according to the Hurun Report 's annual China Rich List .

  24. 即便到了1999年,胡润首次发布百富榜时,还是有许多新富豪强烈要求隐去姓名,害怕税务机构或其他政府官员注意他们。

    Even in 1999 , when Hoogewerf first started publishing rich lists , many of the new wealthy were keen to keep their names off them for fear that it would attract the attention of the tax authorities or other government officials .