
  • 网络commercial capitalist
  1. 湖南资产阶级由商业资本家、手工业资本家、产业资本家和金融资本家构成。

    Hunan Bourgeoisie was constituted by commercial capitalists , financial capitalists , handicraft capitalists and industrial capitalists .

  2. 此外,妇女们在家中通常也会兼职从事一些生产活动,将商业资本家提供的原料制成成品。

    In addition , women often worked in their homes part-time , making finished articles from raw material supplied by merchant capitalists .

  3. 那时太空竞赛正在继续,第一个商业资本家似的事情,像是买张票就可以去月球,这会是苏联的硬件设施吗?

    when the space race was going on , that the first commercial capitalist-like thing to do to buy a ticket to go to the moon would be in Russian hardware ?

  4. 商业资本家最先登上湖南的历史舞台,由于既可分沾外国产业资本的利润,又能获得国内产业资本和封建商业的利润,从事商业的人们较多,商业资本主义相对繁荣。

    They not only shared the profits of foreign industrial capitals , but alao gained the profits of domestic industrial capitals and feudalistic commerce . Thus , the development of commercial capitalism was relatively prosperous .