
shānɡ hào quán
  • right to firm name
  1. 论我国商号权及其法律保护

    The Right of Trade Name and the Legal Protection on it

  2. 因而自上世纪90年代以来,商号权侵权案件即时有发生。

    Since the 1990s , the infringement cases occur frequently .

  3. 商号权与企业名称权定位的探讨

    A study on firm right and enterprise name right

  4. 第二部分商标权与商号权冲突的表现形式及冲突的原因。

    Part 2 forms and causes of conflict .

  5. 商号权与商标权的冲突及其解决

    Trade Name Right Trademark Right : Conflict Settlement

  6. 论商号权的权利属性

    Discussion of the Rights of Trade Name

  7. 商号权的法律保护

    Legal Protection of Business Establishment Rights

  8. 近年来,商标权与商号权冲突的案件屡屡发生,而且愈演愈烈。

    In recent years , the conflict between trademark and trade-name grow in intensity in the practice .

  9. 本论文主要围绕如何解决我国商标权与商号权冲突这一问题展开的,采用了理论分析、比较研究、实证分析等研究方法。

    This paper is mainly about the question how to resolve the conflict between trademark and trade name .

  10. 目前还没有直接保护传统老字号商号权的国内法。

    At present there is not a domestic law protecting the right of traditional name of a shop directly .

  11. 第三章对我国商号权法律保护现状进行了介绍,并且对于我国商号权法律保护现状的不足之处进行了评析。

    Chapter 3 introduces the present legal protection of trade name in China and gives a comment on the shortage .

  12. 商号权与商标权之间发生冲突的案例,在实务中呈逐渐增多趋势。

    Cases involving the conflict between the right of trade name and the trademark right have shown a tendency to increase .

  13. 第三部分论述了主要资本主义国家规制商号权与商标权冲突的法律规定,并分析其合理性与可借鉴之处。

    The third part discusses laws of regulating conflicts in the main capitalist countries , and analyzes the rationality and referential experience .

  14. 其中,部分专家作出的裁决中认同商号权也可以用来作为认定投诉人享有相应权利的依据。

    Meanwhile , some experts agree that the complainants can use trade name rights as the rights basis for domain name disputes .

  15. 在第二部分同时对我国商标权与商号权冲突的表现形式及其原因进行了分析。

    At the same time , In the second part the author analyses the manifestations and causes of conflicts between trade-names and trademarks .

  16. 在商号权的一般理论问题上,尚存在许多争议,包括对商号的定义也有不同的界定。

    In the trade name general theory question , still had many disputes , including the definition of trade name fail to have consensus .

  17. 关于近年来商标权与商号权的冲突问题,寻其本质原因是商号权的相关法律法规缺失和管理机制发展相对落后。

    The conflict cases between the brand name and firm in recent years is mainly because of the law inadequacy and the backward management .

  18. 第一部分主要阐述商标权、商号权的基础理论,并对二者进行比较分析。

    The first part mainly expounds the basic theory of the rights of trade-names and trademarks , and comparative analysis between the two rights .

  19. 商标权与商号权冲突问题的解决首先要把握原则。

    In order to solve the conflicts of trademark rights and rights of business name , the basic thing to do is hold principles .

  20. 商号权是各国法律的重要内容,在当前日趋频繁的国际贸易中受到更为广泛和严格的法律保护。

    Business Names rights is important contents for various countries laws , increasingly get strict legal protection in the current of prosperous international trade .

  21. 商标权与商号权之间所引起的冲突纠纷,已成为当今知识产权保护的焦点和难点问题。

    Conflicting and contrary affairs causing by service mark right and right of business name has become the focus and difficulty of intellectual asset protection .

  22. 为了避免域名与商标权或者商号权之前的纠纷,.在注册环节应建议域名预先审查制度。

    In order to avoid domain name and trademark or trade name right before the dispute , domain name registration should link to pre-review system .

  23. 界定了商号权的概念及分析了商号权的主要内容如设立权、使用权、转让权、许可权等。

    Right of business name and its main contain such as right of formation , right of use , right of assignment and right of licensing .

  24. 本文还追溯了我国商号权保护的历史,归纳了我国涉及商号权保护的相关法律法规,反映出当前立法的具体情况。

    However , the protection of trade name in China turns out not satisfying due to the ambiguity of the definition and flaws of the current rules .

  25. 第二部分对知识产权权利冲突、商标权与商号权冲突等相关概念进行了界定,对商标权与商号权权利冲突进行了分类。

    The second part defines the related concepts of " conflicts between intellectual property rights ", " the conflicts between trade-names and trademarks " and other concepts .

  26. 最后,笔者提出企业自身应强化商标权和商号权的保护意识,实行商标与商号一体化保护。

    At last , I put forward that enterprises should strengthen the trademarks and trade-name rights protection , implement of integrated protection of trademarks and trade names .

  27. 应当利用现行法律从知识产权、民事、行政等方面间接保护和通过立法直接保护仍在业的传统老字号的商号权;

    The right of traditional name of a shop in operation should be safeguarded according to the current intellectual property , civil and administrative law and in terms of legislation ;

  28. 本章从原则、立法、制度及企业四个角度,提出了解决商标权与商号权权利冲突的构想。

    This chapter from the principle , the legislation , the system and the enterprise four angles , proposed the solution Trademark right and the company power right conflict conception .

  29. 第二章对商号权与相关权利的冲突进行了研究,主要阐述了商号权之间的冲突以及商号权与商标权之间的冲突,对商号权冲突的表现形式及冲突原因进行了重点考察。

    Chapter 2 is discussing the conflict of trade name right and conflicts between trade name right and trade mark right , especially focused on manifestations and reasons to these conflicts .

  30. 在该部分,笔者对可借鉴用于解决商标权与商号权冲突的混淆理论、联想理论、反淡化理论进行了详细的介绍和分析。

    In this part , the author introduces and analyses confusion theory , association theory , anti - desalt theory of how to resolve the conflict between trademark and trade name .