
shēnɡ cún quán
  • right of existence;right to maintain and develop existence
  1. 论文的第二部分论证的是知识产权与生存权的关系问题。

    The second part is to discuss the relation between intellectual property and right of existence .

  2. 没有安全就不会有真正的生存权,更谈不上稳定与发展。

    Without security , a nation won 't has real right of existence , further far from stability and development .

  3. 而生存权在英文中表述为righttosubsistence,是基本生活需要得到满足的权利,二者显然不是一回事。

    But the right to subsistence indicates in English is " right to subsistence " is that basic living needs to meet , the two are not the same thing obviously .

  4. 经济发展与人民的生存权和发展权

    Economic Development and the People 's Rights to Existence and Development

  5. 生存权理念与相邻关系立法

    The Idea of Existence Right and the Legislation of Neighborhood Relation

  6. 一个中国人大声疾呼:难道狗就没有生存权吗?

    A Chinese outcry : doesn 't a dog have rights ?

  7. 当你活着时,你行使的是生存权;

    While you live , you exercise your right to life ;

  8. 我们将为我们的生存权,我们的存续权而战。

    We are fighting for our right to live , to exist .

  9. 但各方观点对劳动者生存权的理解却不尽相同。

    But there are different understandings of the survival right of labourers .

  10. 关于人的生存权的哲学思考

    The Philosophy Thoughts about the Exist Right of the Human

  11. 土地集中与农民生存权的维护

    Land Concentration and Safeguarding of farmers ' Right to Survive

  12. 而对劳动者生存权的定义,则不宜过广泛。

    Definition of survival right of labourers should not be too wide .

  13. 因为你在网上写的文字,而质疑你的生存权,

    questioning your right to existence for something that you wrote online ,

  14. 保障了妇女群众生存权、健康权。

    Ensure existence right and health right of women .

  15. 对公民生存权的重点保护。

    Main protection on citizen 's right to subsistence .

  16. 经济危机中弱势群体生存权保障的国家义务

    National Obligations of Safeguarding the Right to Life of Vulnerable Groups in Economic Crisis

  17. 而农民权利问题实际上就是农民生存权问题。

    And farmer 's rights are , in actuality , farmer 's subsistence rights .

  18. 只是因为它们侵犯了生存权

    Only when they interfere with survival rights .

  19. 那么,拆迁户怎样维护自己的合法的财产权和生存权?

    Dismantles how support an own legal property right and the right to life ?

  20. 狮子的生存权必然侵犯羚羊的生存权。

    The lion 's right to life necessitates violating the antelope 's right to life .

  21. 这些问题最终落脚到我国的生存权法律体系上。

    These questions to our final resting the right of life on the legal system .

  22. 行政救助作为以保障生存权为核心内容的制度,不只是一项针对贫困现象设计的社会保障制度,它包含着更为丰富的内容。

    Life as core concepts , not only is a social security system for poverty .

  23. 农民生存权研究综述

    An Overview of Farmer 's Subsistence Rights

  24. 人民的生存权和发展权

    People 's Rights to Subsistence and Development

  25. 愿景:所有的儿童都享有基本的生存权、发展权以及平等的受教育权。

    Aspiration : all children share the same rights of living , developing and education .

  26. 变革和生存权是同义的。

    Change and survival are synonymous .

  27. 生存权的法理学分析

    Legal Theory Analysis on the Right-to-existence

  28. 因此,公权力对劳动合同的介入应当以劳动者生存权为限,由私法自治原则调整劳动者生存权以外的部分。

    Therefore the intervention of public power should be limited outside the survival right of labourers .

  29. 每一次国家土地政策的变革都关系着农民的生存权和发展权。

    The policies on national land are related to farmers ' rights of subsistence and development .

  30. 当我们为生存权付出了全部代价,才赢得了真自由。

    We gain freedom when we have paid the full price for our right to live .