
tuán jié quán
  • right to form and join in the activity of a trade union
  1. 团结权研究

    Research on the Solidarity Rights

  2. 为此,我国的劳动者必须拥有团结权,通过自主组建工会状大自已的力量。

    Therefore , our country laborer must have formed unity through independent trade union right big own strength .

  3. 团结权是集体谈判权的前提和基础,是进行集体谈判的“先行行为”。

    The right to organize is the premise and foundation of the collective bargaining and is also its precondition .

  4. 完善中国的团结权立法,应该坚持劳资权利对等的基本法律原则,任何一方不得享有特权。

    In this view , the principle of equal rights of employer and employee should be hold and no party should have any privilege .

  5. 团结权、集体谈判权、集体行动权被称为劳动基本权、集体劳权。

    Unity right , collective negotiation and collective action right are called " Labor Three Rights ", also " Labor Fundamental Rights " or " Collective Labor Rights " .

  6. “劳动三权”的核心是集体谈判权,团结权和争议权的目的均是为了集体谈判。

    The core of the " Three Labor Rights " is the right to collective bargaining , the aim of the right to organize and strike is collective bargaining .

  7. 以团结权、集体谈判权和争议权为基础的集体劳动权利体系,构成了现代劳动法律的基础。

    The system of the collective labor rights that base on the right to organize , collective bargaining and strike make up of the foundation of the modern labor law .

  8. 主要表现为通过劳动基准、团结权、集体谈判和产业行动立法,规制双方行为,将冲突纳入法制化轨道中。

    Mainly legislated through labor standard , the right to solidarity , collective bargaining and industrial action to regulate both sides ' behavior , and brings the conflict into legal system .

  9. 在现有的法律规定下,最突出的问题是如何保障劳动者组织工会的权利,而影响和侵害劳动者团结权的主要问题是雇主介入和控制工会的现象。

    In the present legal environment , what seems to be most important is how to protect the rights of laborers to organize labor union and avoid the employer 's controlling the labor union .

  10. 中国关于团结权的成文法规定和正在进行的完善团结权的立法活动,为中国不当劳动行为立法提供了法律依据和法律环境。

    The statutory stipulation of the right to form a trade union , and the ongoing legislative activities designed to improve this right provide the legal basis and environment for legislation on unfair labor practices in China .

  11. 集体谈判权是集体劳权的核心权利,团结权是集体谈判权的前提,争议权则是实现集体谈判权的辅助性权利。

    Right of collective bargaining is the core right among the collective labor rights . Right of association is the advanced condition for right of collective bargaining and right to dispute is the assisted condition for right of collective bargaining .