
xìnɡ mínɡ quán
  • right of name;right of personal name
  1. 浅谈姓名权的户籍立法问题

    A Tentative Study on the Domiciliary Legislation of the Right of Name

  2. 姓名权本质变革论

    On the Revolution of the Nature of Right of Name

  3. 任何组织或者个人不得以干涉、盗用、假冒等方式侵害他人的姓名权或者名称权。

    No organization or individual may infringe name by means such as interference , misappropriation , impersonation , or the like .

  4. 自然人享有姓名权,有权依法决定、使用、变更或者许可他人使用自己的姓名,但是不得违背公序良俗。

    A natural person enjoys the right to name and is entitled to determine , use , change , or allow others to use his name in accordance with law , provided that public order and good morals are not offended .

  5. 第一百二十条公民的姓名权、肖像权、名誉权、荣誉权受到侵害的,有权要求停止侵害,恢复名誉,消除影响,赔礼道歉,并可以要求赔偿损失。

    Article 120 If a citizen 's right of personal name , portrait , reputation or honour is infringed upon , he shall have the right to demand that the infringement be stopped , his reputation be rehabilitated , the ill effects be eliminated and an apology be made ; he may also demand compensation for losses .

  6. 姓名权的网上侵害及其民事责任

    On-line Violation of the Right to Name and its Civil Liability

  7. 姓名权是运动员的一项重要的人格权利。

    The Right Of Athletes are an important personality rights .

  8. 确立姓名权商品化制度浅析

    Establishing the System of the Right to Name Merchandising

  9. 我国公民姓名权的民法保护问题研究

    The Study on the Civil Protection of the Right of Name in China

  10. 其作为财产权,相对独立于姓名权、肖像权等人格权。

    As a property right , it is relatively independent of the personality rights .

  11. 妇女有独立的姓名权,有参加社会生产和社会活动的自由。

    Women can use their own surnames and given names and participate in production and social activities .

  12. 独立的姓名权是中国妇女获得的一项重要人身权利。

    Chinese women have gained the important personal right of being able to retain their maiden names .

  13. 单纯认定姓名权是人格权观点存在的缺陷。

    The idea that the right of name is a kind of the right of personality is limited .

  14. 乔丹表示此次的起诉不是钱的问题,而是关系到原则,他要维护自己的姓名权。

    Jordan says he 's This complaint is not about money , it 's about principle and protecting my name .

  15. 命名权是姓名权的项重要内容,是公民的项具体人格权。

    Naming right is an essential content of personality right , which is also a specific embodiment of personality right .

  16. 姓名权作为人格权的一项重要内容越来越为人们所重视。

    The right of name , known as an important part of personal rights , is capturing more and more attention .

  17. 对姓名权的规范由公法转移到了私法,由身份权演化为了人格权。

    To the right of public law regulating name by transferred to private law , identity right to personality right by evolution .

  18. 但却受到北宋政府在婚姻、姓名权、职官选授、战阵排列等方面的歧视。

    But it was discriminated by the Northern Song Dynasty in marital system , name power , official system and war arrayment .

  19. 乔丹表示“此次的起诉不是钱的问题,而是关系到原则”,他要维护自己的姓名权。

    Jordan says he 's " This complaint is not about money , it 's about principle and protecting my name . "

  20. 由于姓名权的重要性不断凸显,一些学者从不同的角度对姓名权及其相关问题进行了研究和探讨。

    Because of its importance , many legal scholars have conducted some research and discussion from different angles to the right of name .

  21. 译名权为一项民事权利,是一项独立的标表型人格权,是姓名权之从权利。

    The right to translated name is one kind of civil law rights , is one kind of independent tables of type personality right .

  22. 从历史发展、社会基础、理论分析等方面分析姓名权商品化制度的确立,具有重要的理论和实现意义。

    Basing on judicial practice and important theoretics and considering relevant provisions the author analyzed establishing the system of the right to name merchandising .

  23. 对姓名权的民法保护,就是认定侵害姓名权的行为为侵权行为,责令行为人承担侵权民事责任。

    To civilly protect the name is to identify the action of infracting name right as delict , and charge the actor to undertake civil responsibility .

  24. 美国的公开权制度将姓名权中的财产利益作为单独的一种财产权来进行保护。

    In the right of publicity pattern of US , the property interest of the right of name is protected as one kind of independent property right .

  25. 例如将对姓名权制定的《姓名登记条例》的法律效力肯定,以及采取更加完备的措施来保护姓名权。

    For example , the right to name for the name registration ordinance legal effectiveness affirmation , and take more perfect measures to protect the name right .

  26. 英国在对姓名权商品化的保护过程中偏于保守状态,仿冒之诉成为判断是否侵犯姓名权商品化中的财产利益的标准。

    British pattern is conservative , passing off is the standard of judging whether torts infringe the property interest of the commercialization of the right of name .

  27. 形式上,由附属于其它诗歌到独立成体,获得了姓名权;

    In the form , the poems , which developed from being attached to other poems to an independent component , have obtained the right to name .

  28. 第九十九条公民享有姓名权,有权决定、使用和依照规定改变自己的姓名,禁止他人干涉、盗用、假冒。

    Article 99 Citizens shall enjoy the right of personal name and shall be entitled to determine , use or change their personal names in accordance with relevant provisions .

  29. 底特律,密歇根州&民权偶像罗莎·帕克斯的一打侄子、侄女已就其遗嘱提出了法律异议以冀望控制其姓名权和肖像权的使用。

    DETROIT-A dozen nieces and nephews of civil rights icon Rosa Parks have filed an objection to her will in hopes of gaining control of the use of her name and image .

  30. 名人姓名权较传统意义上的姓名权更具有财产性,因此吸引着许多市场主体傍名人以赚取利润。

    Because celebrity name right has more value of property than the traditional sense of the name right , it attracts many market participants to rely on celebrity popularity to earn profits .