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  1. 姓名字号作为人生的符号,也是一种文化。

    Name as a sign of life , is also a kind of culture .

  2. 因其事迹未有正式记载,口耳相传中与实际情况多有不符之处,故而论文第一章着重于考证性论述,辨考其生卒年、姓名字号等。

    Because her deeds are lack of official record , her birth year , the name , and the byname are inaccurate , so chapter one emphasizes on textual research .

  3. 私营企业可以使用投资人姓名作字号。

    A private enterprise may use the name of its investor as its shop name .

  4. 现就杂家类杂纂之属存目部分有关编著者姓名、字号、籍贯、科第、仕履及著作内容等方面的疏漏和讹误,再补正30条。

    The author hereby provides 30 amendments to the defects and errors in the Eclectics Category in the aspects of the authors ' names , native places , imperial civil examinations , official careers and the contents of their works .