
  1. 如全书共有一百首回首诗,只有一首作品指出作者姓字而不详出处。

    For example , in the whole book there were a hundred poems repeated .

  2. 姓和氏演变为现在的姓,名和字则演变为现在的名。

    Xing and shi together formed today 's surname , and ming and zi today 's given name .

  3. 姓和氏演变为现在的姓,名和字则演变为现在的名、所以现在人们通常用姓氏来指一个人的姓,用名字来指一个人所起的名。

    Xing and shi together formed today 's sur-name , and ming and zi today 's given name . Today , people use xingshi to refer to a person 's surname , mingzi to refer to one 's given name .