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  1. 彭阳县推广机械化旱作农业及节水灌溉技术的实践与探讨

    Practice and Discussion of Spreading Dry Farming and Water-Saving Irrigation Technology

  2. 宁夏彭阳草庙地区煤田钻探防漏堵漏技术研究与应用

    Research and Application of Leakage Protection and Sealing Technology for Coalfield Drilling in Ningxia

  3. 宁夏云雾山&彭阳岩溶水赋存规律及开发前景

    Preservative Law of Karst Water and Prospect of Exploitation in Yunwushan - Pengyang of Ningxia

  4. 采用生态足迹的方法,对宁夏彭阳县1994~2004年的生态足迹进行了计算。

    The ecological footprint of Pengyang county in Ningxia in1994 ~ 2004 was calculated by ecological footprint method .

  5. 结果表明:通过优化,使彭阳县种植业土地面积减少了32029公顷,减少面积占土地总面积的13%;

    Results showed that , by means of optimization , the land area used for planting was reduced to32029ha , the reduced land account for13 % of total land area .