
Assessment of huhehot-wuyuan seismic sub-zone risk by malkov model method
Anomaly Characteristic of Source Parameter of Wuyuan Earthquake Swarm in Inner Mongolia
Comprehension of short & term sudden change and tendencious abnormal of earth tilt before earthquake in Wuyuan
The reason why seismic wave forms of Wuyuan swarm change might be transition of underground medium from brittleness to flexibility that increases duo to increase of fluid component .
Through evaluating to the county of Wuyuan , we obtain that : 1.The curve of agricultural land price in Wuyuan is up-inclined and scotia curve , the price upgrade as the level enlarge .
On Hu Shi 's Objection to the Function of Literature to Convey Confucian Doctrines During the Period of May Fourth Movement Hanyu 's Confucian Doctrines and Confucian Orthodoxy as Well as a Discrimination on His Composing Time for " Wu Yuan "