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  1. 我们的座位在前面第五排。

    Our seats are five rows from the front .

  2. 我想坐在第五排左右。

    I like to sit in about the fifth row .

  3. 我给你四张第五排的票。

    I 'll give you four tickets in the fifth row .

  4. 给您五排的两个座。

    I can give you two seats in Row five .

  5. 原来是这样。这就是说这家有五排房子。

    That means there are five rows houses here .

  6. 我们的座位在第五排。

    Our seats are in the fifth row .

  7. 让我们两个月后再给最佳表现前五名排一下高低。

    Let 's rank the top five performances after two months .

  8. 第五,排风热回收的节能特性。

    The saving features of the exhaust heat recovery power .

  9. 中心是五个排成两行的圆球,其中上边一行有三个环,下边一行有两个环。

    In the center are five rings forming two rows of three rings above and two below .

  10. 在世界经济论坛的年度排名中,北欧国家仍名列前茅,爱尔兰在非北欧国家中排名第一,总排名第五,排在冰岛、芬兰、挪威和瑞典后面。

    In the WEF 's annual rankings the Nordic countries still top the index , with Ireland the highest placed non-Nordic country at fifth , after Iceland , Finland , Norway and Sweden .

  11. 五辆汽车排成一行停靠。

    Five cars stood abreast .

  12. 国际产权指数(InternationalPropertyRightsIndex)去年把新加坡列为第五名,排在芬兰、新西兰、挪威和瑞典之后。

    The International Property Rights Index last year put Singapore in fifth place , behind Finland , New Zealand , Norway and Sweden .

  13. 在那五幢一排的房子中我们的一幢在中间。

    Ours is the middle house in that row of five .

  14. 双曲肘五孔斜排合模机构的设计改进

    Improvement on design of oblique joint-double five-hinge toggle clamping unit of injection molding machine

  15. 波尔图目前在国内联赛以五分优势排在榜首。

    Porto currently stand five points clear at the top of their domestic league .

  16. 注射成型机五孔直排式合模机构的运动和力学特性分析

    Analysis of Motional and Mechanical Characteristics for the Double-toggle Clamping Unit with Straight-five Points of Injection Molding Machine

  17. 五孔斜排双曲肘合模机构的运动和力分析

    The characteristic analysis about the motion and mechanic of twin toggle three links and five hinges diagonal type closing unit

  18. 据媒体报道,在这之前小米排在第五,苹果排在第四。

    Xiaomi was previously ranked fifth in sales in China , while Apple was at four , according to media reports .

  19. 就充分遵守禁烟令而言,土耳其目前排在世界第五位,排在欧洲国家的第三位。

    Turkey currently ranks fifth in the world and third among European countries in terms of full compliance with smoking bans .

  20. 首站污水排放口是胜利油田五个外排口中水质最恶劣的一个口。

    The outfall of Wangjiagang oil producing wastewater disposal plant was the worst in the five outfalls of Shengli oil filed .

  21. 他们在那里观看了亮烛仪式和为期五天的排灯节民族舞蹈表演。

    There they watched a candle-lighting ceremony and watched a folk dance performance for Diwali , the five-day Festival of Lights .

  22. 近代工业的登陆使东部沿海的内在优势得到有效发挥。波尔图目前在国内联赛以五分优势排在榜首。

    Landing of industry made East China 's ingenerate superiority become work . Porto currently stand five points clear at the top of their domestic league .

  23. 利用机构学的方法对注射成型机五孔直排式双曲肘合模机构进行运动和力学特性分析。

    An analysis of motional and mechanical characteristics for double toggle clamping unit with straight five points of injection molding machine is made by the structural method .

  24. 纽约来的轿车五辆一排停在车道上,同时所有的厅堂、客室、阳台已经都是五彩缤纷,女客们的发型争奇斗妍,披的纱巾是卡斯蒂尔人做梦也想不到的。

    The cars from New York are parked five deep in the drive , and already the halls and salons and verandas are gaudy with primary colors , and hair shorn in strange new ways , and shawls beyond the dreams of castile .

  25. 除了格林联盟中没有哪个球员能连续两个赛季赛季同时拿下100+封盖和100+抢断。同时格林在限制篮下命中率的排名中名列前五,仅仅排在戈伯特身后。

    Who but Green could rank as the only player on the league map to rack up 100-plus blocks and 100-plus steals for the second successive season while also placing in the top five - just one spot behind Gobert - in terms of opponents ' field-goal percentage at the rim

  26. 而在西方国家,Google一般都是排在前两位的,而雅虎要么排在前五名,要么排在前十名(少数情况下可能排在前二十名)。

    Wherever you look in Western countries , Google is usually in the top two , with Yahoo either in the top five or top ten ( or in even more meager cases , top twenty ) .

  27. 五只小鸟没有巢,五棵小树排成行。

    Come and build your nests in the trees .

  28. 在最新报告中,丹麦保持了第一的排名,瑞士挤进前五,加拿大则跌出前五,排在第六名。

    Denmark held on to the number-one spot , Switzerland edged into the top five and Canada fell out of the group , to sixth place , in the latest report .