
jūn liáng
  • army provisions;grain for the army
军粮 [jūn liáng]
  • [army provisions] 军用食物

军粮[jūn liáng]
  1. 在军事保障方面,利用法律手段保证军队的兵源、装备、军粮的供应;

    The law was used to safeguard the manpower resources for military services , military equipment and the supplying of army provisions .

  2. 这些经验对于今天在新的历史条件下加强军粮供应系统的建设和走中国特色军民融合式发展道路,具有重要借鉴意义。

    These experiences are still of important reference value for improving the army provisions supply system and following the path of integrated military and civilian development with Chinese characteristics under the new conditions today .

  3. 汉代边郡军粮廪给问题探讨

    On the Problem of Grain Supply in the Border of Han Dynasty

  4. 粮食供给是军队后勤给养中的一项重要内容。汉代边塞地区军粮主要供给吏卒及其家属,也用于借贷和马、牛、驼、狗之食。

    The grain supply is very important in logistics .

  5. 我了解这些,因为你知道我的任务就是征集军粮嘛。

    I know because , you see , getting food is my business .

  6. 有效的团队合作;军粮供应市场化研究


  7. 多渠道的军粮供应成为巩固西北边防不可或缺的因素。

    Multi-channel supply of grain became the indispensable factor in the consolidation of the Northwest .

  8. 军粮供应市场化研究

    On marketing of military provision

  9. 阵地突出部一带,也许只有他一人自己种菜补充军粮。

    He was perhaps the only man in the salient who supplemented his ration with home-grown vegetables .

  10. 汉代西北边郡军粮支出账簿登记详细,有各种发放粮食的簿籍。

    The account books of the disbursal of military provisions were detailed with persified put-out account books in Han dynasty .

  11. 经营驼运业的内地商民们在西征军粮饷物资后勤供给上起到了重要的作用。

    The merchant who run camel transportation business played a important role in the transportation of the supply of the army .

  12. 粮食供应成为各军事军队最大的问题,因军粮不足而无敌自破者不可胜数。

    The cases were countless that the warlords were self-defeated for lacking sufficient food supply instead of being destroyed in the battle .

  13. 第三,基于战争中军粮问题的讨论,大胆推测关中粮食生产的状况。

    Third , based on the war rations discussion , it boldly speculates that the situation of grain production of the Guanzhong Plain .

  14. 家父和腾格拉尔先生一起在西班牙服役&家父在作战部队,腾格拉尔先生在军粮处。

    My father and M. Danglars served together in Spain , my father in the army and M. Danglars in the commissariat department .

  15. 他好像力图忘怀过去的生活,只是关心他和军粮官的那个案子。

    He seemed to be trying to forget that old life , and to be interested only in his quarrel with the commissariat officials .

  16. 许多原来破碎残阳出售的物品现在是拾取绑定,比如纳鲁军粮和新的多彩宝石图纸。

    Many items sold by the Shattered Sun quartermaster are now bind on pick up : Naaru Ration , Design : Ember Skyfire Diamond .

  17. 后曹操放火烧掉袁绍屯放于乌巢的军粮等军用物资,袁绍大将张郃、高览投降曹操,袁军士气全无,曹操乘机发动大反攻,杀万余,俘虏7万余。

    Cao Cao launched a counterattack , killed ten thousands and captured about 70 000 of the enemies and drove them in disorder to the north .

  18. 结买、结籴是市易务官吏或由市易务招募商人,承办政府上供采买和购置沿边军粮的制度。

    Undertaking purchasing and purchasing grain is the system of trade department to buy commodity for upper government and grain for the military in the border areas .

  19. 第一部分为当时西北边郡所见粮食品种的简介,并对屯戍军粮所涉及的主要品种进行归纳和区分。

    The first part is the brief introduction of the grain breeds in the northwest frontier area , and sums up and differentiates the main breeds in the garrison system .

  20. 有的漕仓是军用仓储,甚至作军事据点;很多漕仓是州郡大仓和转运仓,也为可能发生的军事活动储备和调配军粮。

    Some were military warehouses , even military foothold . Many were warehouses of states and counties , or transportation warehouse , which stored and transported for military activity , too .

  21. 善于用兵的人,不用再次征集兵员,不用多次运送军粮。

    The skillful soldier does not raise a second levy , neither are his supply-wagons loaded more than twice.Bring war material with you from home , but forage on the enemy .

  22. 故而宁夏的驻军及军粮供应就放在了国家头等重要的位置,朝廷拿出大量的人力、物力和财力去解决。

    Therefore , the troops and their supplies in Ningxia has been the most important thing for the country , and a lot of manpower , material and financial had been used here .

  23. 本文结合了竞争优势理论分析,通过具体操作研究得出我国当前的军粮供应企业区别于其他粮食企业所存在的优势。

    This thesis came to the conclusion that grain enterprises for the army have advantages over other common grain enterprises in China through specific operational research in combination with " competition advantage theory " .

  24. 发行了大陆货币、中央政府军需军粮券以及各州的货币近4亿美元(票面价值)用来支付战争开销。

    Nearly $ 400 million ( at face value ) in continental money , quartermaster and commissary certificates of the central government , and paper money of the states was issued to defray wartime expenses .

  25. 虽然连年的战争对军粮的大量需求刺激了陕西农业生产的发展,保证了大批西北驻军的粮食给养,但也导致了大量劳动力人口的锐减、农田的荒芜和农业生产环境的破坏等。

    Continuous wars stimulated development of agricultural production for huge demand on army provisions and guaranteed provisionment of many garrison in Northwest , but inflicted decline of labouring population , deserted cropland and destruction on environment of agricultural production .