
jūn xiào
  • military academy;military school
军校 [jūn xiào]
  • (1) [military academy]

  • (2) 训练军官的军事学校

  • 黄埔军校

  • (3) 学生们在这里将习惯穿制服和以后的军事工作的预备学校

军校[jūn xiào]
  1. 从八岁开始,他在Connecticut由母亲和继父抚养,但在军校放在生父那里度假。

    From the age of eight he was raised in Connecticut by his mother and a stepfather , but spent time with his father during vacations from military school .

  2. 军校学生人格类型与决策行为的关系

    Personality Type and Risky Decision-making of Students of A Military School

  3. 西点军校的同学们曾挖苦地戏称他为“美人”。

    Classmates at West Point had ironically dubbed him Beauty .

  4. 将军命令军校学员们站成几排。

    The General gave orders for the cadets to form into lines .

  5. 空包弹太昂贵了,军校学员不得不用足球比赛时助威用的响板来模拟枪声。

    Cadets are having to use football rattles to simulate gunfire because blank ammunition is too costly .

  6. 这是一所军校。

    It 's a military academy .

  7. 我国加入WTO后军校信息资源的共建共享刍议

    Discussion on the Military Library Information Resources Sharing after Entering the WTO

  8. 非条件Logistic回归分析表明,军校学员抑郁情绪与乐观、空虚感、社会活动等有关。

    Logistic regression analysis showed depression was related to optimism , vacuity and social activities .

  9. 但他在西点军校(WestPoint)的演讲丝毫没有打消一种怀疑:奥巴马的优先事项是受美国政治决定,而并非取决于现实条件。

    But his West Point speech has done little to dispel the suspicion that priorities are shaped more by US politics than facts on the ground .

  10. 麦肯锡在学报文章中概述的另一种选择则是仿效西点军校(WestPoint)等美国军事院校的方式建设法学院。

    Another alternative , he outlines in his journal article , would be to develop law schools modeled after American military academies such as West Point .

  11. 运用SWOT矩阵分析法制定军校发展战略

    Making the Developing Strategy of Military Academies by Using Matrix Analysis of SWOT

  12. 目的调查某军校学员幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染情况。

    Objective To conduct a survey on infection rate of Hp among new cadets of a military college .

  13. 军校学员的学习兴趣、人格特征与SCL-90测评

    SCL-90 , EPQ Results and Learning Interest of Cadets

  14. 某军校大学生CPI测量结果分析

    Analyses of the CPI results for students of military college

  15. 其中一个是关于教育家JohnDewey,另外一个是关于美国西点军校。

    One is about educator John Dewey . Another is about the United States Military Academy at West Point .

  16. 我们觉得这种热情一定会进一步促进北大国际MBA和西点军校之间的关系。

    We feel that this type of hospitality will be very instrumental in the furtherance of BiMBA-West Point relations .

  17. 员和政策制定者都对美国的新国际关系原则感到兴奋,那是美国总统乔治·W·布什在西点军校的毕业典礼讲话中披露的。

    In Britain commentators and policy makers are agog about a new U.S.doctrine , unveiled by President George W.Bush in a commencement address at West Point .

  18. 目的建立军校学员SCL-90常模,为学员研究和招考工作提供心理学参考依据。

    Objective To determine the norm of SCL-90 in Chinese cadet and provide basic data for psychological research in cadets .

  19. 他们解释说:“我们想让儿子知道他没来西点军校错过了什么。”n.闲逛;

    They explained , " We want to show our son what he missed by not coming to West Point . "

  20. 结果①游泳教学后,除躯体化外,军校学员总体SCL-90各因子分、总均分和阳性项目数均显著降低(P<0.05);

    Results ① After swimming instruction , the scores of SCL-90 of students decreased obviously but somatization ( P < 0.05 );

  21. 本文使用分层聚类和Fisher判别等统计学方法对军校学员的心理健康状况进行统计分析。

    This article focus on the psychological health state of students in military school with the statistical methods of hierarchical cluster and Fisher discriminant .

  22. 相关分析显示,军校护生SCL-90均分及各因子得分与生活事件各因子、应对方式中的消极应对呈显著正相关,与应对方式中的积极应对、自尊程度、自我态度呈显著负相关。

    Correlation analysis indicated that the scores of SCL-90 were positively correlated with life events and passive coping styles , and negatively correlated with positive coping styles and self-esteem .

  23. 考尔迪奇曾经担任过西点军校(WestPoint)行为科学教研室主任,任职时间长达12年,约翰逊说,他在如何确认组织内领导者这类“软技能”方面拥有丰富的专业知识。

    But a growing market for talks on emotional intelligence has fueled demand for the former soldier , who served as head of behavioral sciences at West Point for 12 years and has specialized knowledge in " soft skills " such as identifying leaders within organizations , Johnson says .

  24. 特质性元情绪量表(TMMS)在军校大学生中的初步应用

    Application of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale ( TMMS ) in Military Students

  25. 方法对某军校医学生342人进行青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC)和SCL90测试,分析差异及相关性。

    Methods Adolescent self-rating life Events Checklist and SCL-90 were administered to 342 medical students in a military college .

  26. 方法用SCL90、EPQ、军校学员生活事件问卷、简易应对方式量表、社会支持量表对军队高校12246名家庭所在地不同的大学生进行测试。

    Methods SCL-90 , EPQ , Life event questionnaire for cadets , Scale of ways of copy and Scale of social support were used in 12246 cadets .

  27. 文章简要介绍了ISO9000标准及其基本思想,分析了将ISO9000标准导入军校研究生教育质量管理中的必要性和可行性。在此基础上,探讨了军校研究生教育质量管理贯彻实施ISO9000标准的主要工作。

    This paper simply introduces ISO9000 standard and it 's basic ideas , analyses the necessity and feasibility of introducing ISO9000 standard in the quality management of military academy graduate education , discusses the primary task of applying the standard .

  28. MACMcGARRY:“你必须花费很长的时间来看这些问题,因为所有的线索中都包含长这个词。请仔细听,第一,'LongGrayLine'在美国军事学院中代表的是军校实习生。(铃声)Macgruder。”

    MAC McGARRY : " You should take a looooong look at these questions because all the clues contain the word long . Identify the following , number one : the ' Long Gray Line ' refers to cadets at this US military academy . [ Bell ] Macgruder . "

  29. 不同专业军校大学生的16PF值之间未见到差异性。(5)军校大学生应付方式与我国军官常模比较,二者的所有因子得分均具有显著性差异。

    No significant , different 16 PF score was got between military academy students of different specialty ( 5 ) Coping style scale was used to compare way to cope with situations between the military college students and military officers norm .

  30. 随机抽取90名男性现役军事飞行员,年龄25~53岁,飞行时间500~6000h;军校近视眼学员81名,正视眼38名。

    Ninety military pilots with age ranging from 25 to 53 years and flying hours 500 to 6 000 , 81 myopia students and 38 persons with normal vision served as subjects .