
jūn shì fēn jiè xiàn
  • military demarcation line
  1. 西海海上军事分界线

    Maritime Military Demarcation Line in the West Sea

  2. 他们余四天前以每小时10公里的速度贯穿森林和荒野跨过军事分界线。

    They had crossed the military demarcation line four days earlier and ran through forest and rocks at a speed of10 km per hour .

  3. 韩国统一部发言人KimHo-nyoun表示,南北韩边境的紧张局面已部分归于正常。他说朝鲜已经允许韩国个人和车辆通过这条将两国分开的军事分界线。

    He says North Korea is allowing the passage of South Korean personnel and automobiles through the Military Demarcation Line separating the two countries .

  4. 盖茨部长和克林顿国务卿进入了横跨临时军事分界线的谈判会场,并在参观的时候短暂进入北韩一侧。

    Secretaries Gates and Clinton entered the negotiation building that straddles the demarcation line and crossed briefly to the North Korean side as they were shown around .

  5. 三八线是一条用以划分南北朝鲜之间受降范围的暂时军事分界线,是世界上防卫最森严的一条边界线。

    The 38th parallel is a circle of latitude that served as the initial basis for the famous demilitarized zone ( DMZ ) between North and South Korea - the most heavily fortified border in the world .

  6. 上星期六要求召开此次会议的朝鲜警告说,如果美军继续在韩国和朝鲜之间的军事分界线做出它所称的挑衅行为,它的部队将采取“果断行动”。

    North Korea , which called the meeting on Saturday , warned that its forces would take " decisive steps " if US troops continued to make what it called provocative forays up to the military demarcation line , the border between the Koreas .

  7. 在划定军事分界线等问题上的无理要求被中朝方拒绝之后,又在战俘问题上顽固地坚持自愿遣返原则,致使战争又拖延了一年半。

    Since the unreasonable demand by the US on determination of the military demarcation line and its stubborn insistence on the principle of " voluntary repatriation " with respect to prisoners of war were refused by China , the war last one and a half year longer .