
jūn yínɡ shēnɡ huó
  • life in military camps
  1. 承永,这个白痴说军营生活很舒服。

    Seung-young , this balls-for-brains asshole says army life 's doable .

  2. 赵峰表示,军营生活并不单调。

    According to Zhao , life in military campsites is not monotonous .

  3. 几年的军营生活会把你磨练成男子汉。

    A few years in the army will make a man of you .

  4. 经过了一年的军营生活,他成为了一名训练有素的士兵。

    He became a fully-fledged soldier after a year life in the army .

  5. 人们对军队往往有一种误解,认为军营生活会扼杀一个人身上的个性。

    There 's a misconception about the military & that it strips away individuality .

  6. 军营生活纪律严格是不足为奇的。

    Life in the camp , not surprisingly , is one of strict discipline .

  7. 军营生活,军役的生活陆军和海军共同行动的军事活动。

    Military service ; army life . a military operation by both land and sea forces .

  8. 他写信说他很喜欢军营生活,但从字里行间可以感觉出来他很想家。

    He worte that he liked camp life very much , but I could read between the lines that he was homesick .

  9. 那是吉诺曼先生的一个侄孙,他一向远离家庭,在外地过着军营生活。

    He was a great-grand-nephew of M.Gillenormand , on the paternal side , who led a garrison life , outside the family and far from the domestic hearth .

  10. 回到学校后我会认真努力地学习,像军人一样吃苦耐劳,我不会忘记这最后一次军营生活。

    Back to school after I seriously study hard , like the soldiers as bear hardships and stand hard work , I won 't forget this last camp life .

  11. 直到2002年一部反映当代军营基层士兵生活的军旅题材情景喜剧&《炊事班的故事》进入国内观众的视野,掀起了一股久违的情景喜剧收视热潮。

    Until 2002 , one that reflects life in the barracks soldier sitcom Military Theme - " Chui Shi Ban Story " to enter the domestic audience perspective , giving rise to an upsurge of returning to the sitcom .

  12. 此外,要加强军营文化的设施建设和组织建设,努力提高军营文化生活质量。

    What 's more , we should strengthen the facility construction and organizational building of the military culture to improve the culture life quality of military camp .