
mǎ máo
  • horsehair
  1. 我们还使用马毛织品作为衣服的内衬。

    We also use inserts that are made out of horsehair .

  2. 羊毛、动物细毛或粗毛;马毛纱线及其机织物

    Wool , fine / coarse animal hair , horsehair yarn fabric

  3. 还编制马毛,怎么想出来的。

    And sewing with horse hair-how did they know .

  4. 毫无疑问,马毛是粗糙的。

    Horse hairs are coarse hairs , of course .

  5. 平整地开始马毛上每一下的擦洗。

    Start each stroke with the brush flat on the horse 's coat .

  6. 动物粗毛或马毛的机织物羊毛与马海毛及绢丝混纺织物

    Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair

  7. 是马毛,我过敏了。

    It 's horse hair . Having a reaction .

  8. 栾斯在马毛呢的沙发上坐了下来,他皱起眉头,

    Rance sat down on the horsehair sofa , and knitted his brows ,

  9. 这个男人在梳理马毛。

    The man was dressing down a horse .

  10. 上校斜倚在马毛沙发上。

    The Colonel reclined on a horsehair sofa .

  11. 由马毛或骆驼毛制成的衣服纤维;用于室内装潢或衣服变硬。

    Cloth woven from horsehair or camelhair ; used for upholstery or stiffening in garments .

  12. 假如我要给我的罗盘找一根马毛,我得去马厩;

    If I wish for a horse-hair for my compass-sight , I must go to the stable ;

  13. 联全主要产品有:布绒、法兰绒及意大利绒、仿马毛、仿小牛毛、仿水貂毛。

    Our main products including Flock Cloth , FC and IC , Flock non-woven Flock artificial animal hair .

  14. 双层织造长毛绒织物机织马毛或其他动物粗毛纱织物

    Double woven pile fabric

  15. 但是欧洲人认为猪的鬃毛太硬了,所以他们用较柔软的马毛代替了猪的鬃毛。

    However , Europeans found the hog hairs too rigid and preferred to replace them with softer horse hairs .

  16. 机织马海毛绒头织物(不包括地毯料)机织马毛织物(不包括绒头织物和绳绒织物)

    Woven fabric pile of mohair ( excl. carpeting ) woven fabric of horse hair ( excl. pile and chenille fabrics )

  17. 对不同浓度白僵菌油剂与溴氰菊酯混合超低量喷雾防治马毛松毛虫的效果进行了研究。

    The control efficiency of ultra low volume spraying technique of oil solution of B.bassiana and deltamethrin against Dendrolimus punctatus was studied .

  18. 然后,用硬直毛刷去除马毛里脱落的毛发、灰尘和皮屑。

    Then use a stiff-bristled dandy brush to remove the loose hair , dirt , and scurf from the horse 's coat .

  19. 结果表明:应用此方法监测马毛松毛虫种群数量动态的变化,简单、实用、可行。

    The results indicated that it was easy , feasible and practical to forecast the dynamics of the adult population with the method .

  20. 动物粗毛或马毛的纱线(包括马毛粗松螺旋花线),不论是否供零售用。

    Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair ( including gimped horsehair yarn ), whether or not put up for retail sale .

  21. 马尾衬用马毛制的织物高档西服辅料马尾衬整理技术的研究

    Cloth made of the hair of horses . Research on finishing technology of horse hair interlining a kind of accessories of top grade suit

  22. 接着,用你选择的刷子沿着毛发生长的方向长条形的刷洗马毛。

    Next , with the body brush of your choice , brush in long strokes in the direction of the hair growth to further clean the coat .

  23. 一种用一个装有拉紧的马毛绳子的弯曲木头来用做演奏有弦乐器的拉。马海毛绳绒织物(不包括地毯料)

    A stroke with a curved piece of wood with taut horsehair strands that is used in playing stringed instruments . chenille fabric of mohair ( excl. carpeting )

  24. 毛布一种织物,尤其是由马毛或骆驼毛织成的,用于做家具垫布和外衣硬衬使动物具有家畜的习性。

    A wiry fabric woven especially from horsehair or camel 's hair , used for upholstering and for stiffening garments . make fit for domestic life ; of animals .

  25. 该套房有六间大理石盥洗室、三间客厅和两个步入式衣橱,采用了马毛天花板和羊驼毛壁砖等时髦新颍的建材。

    The suite , with six marble bathrooms , three living rooms and two walk-in closets , features funky materials such as a horsehair ceiling and alpaca wool wall tiles .