
  1. 马有四只蹄儿。

    A horse has four hoofs .

  2. 要快,因为我的马有点累了。

    And make it quick because my horse is getting tired .

  3. 人有两条腿,马有四条腿。

    A man has two legs and a horse has four legs .

  4. 你的马有多少肌肉为你掌握?

    How many your horse 's muscle for you ?

  5. 我的马有点问题。

    Hey , something 's wrong with my horse .

  6. 一只马有多少条腿?

    How many legs does a horse have ?

  7. 马有四足尚漏蹄。

    A horse stumble that have four leg .

  8. 因此,占有领土的雄马有很多当父亲的机会。

    Thus , the territorial male has several chances to father a new foal .

  9. 满洲部族的兴起,与马有密切关系。

    The rise of Manchuria tribes , and the horse has a close relationship .

  10. 这些马有一半都只是好看而已。

    Half these horses are just show ponies .

  11. 斑马和马有亲缘关系。

    The zebra is related to the horse .

  12. 看,马有老鼠的,50倍大。

    Because look , the horse is50 times larger in size than the mouse .

  13. 刘表手下有一人颇懂相马术,言此马有妨主之相,劝刘表将马还给刘备。

    Following the expert 's advice , Liu Biao returned the horse to Liu Bei .

  14. 一只马有尾巴长。

    A house has a long tail .

  15. 马有几条腿?

    How many legs do horses have ?

  16. 不过,他那时选择不参加,因为他的马有检疫问题。

    However , he opted not to take part because of quarantine problems with his horse .

  17. 马有长长的脸。

    Horses have long faces .

  18. 从前有一位战士,从他仇敌手中逃出来,半途发觉他的马有换马蹄铁的必要。

    Fleeing from his enemies , the ancient knight found that his horse needed to be re-shod .

  19. 在该镇,人得给马让路,马有在道路上行走的权利。

    You have to stop for horses in this town , they have the right of way .

  20. 马有着惊人的视野&只是看不到自己正前方的东西。

    Horses have an amazing range of vision & except for what is right in front of them .

  21. 马有蹄子保护它的脚,使它能安稳地跑过霜雪覆盖的地面。

    The horse has hooves to protect its feet so as able to gallop steadily on the snow-covered ground .

  22. 若干文化传说相信马有神视能力,能察觉到来自灵界隐形入侵者。

    Several cultures believe that horses possess divine power which enables them to perceive invisible intruders from the spiritual mind .

  23. 由于马有许多盲区,一定不要从正前或正后接近它。

    Because of the many blind spots that horses have , be sure to never approach him directly from the front or rear .

  24. 打电话叫钉马掌师在比赛前十天或两星期前钉马掌,以便马有时间适应新马掌。

    Call the farrier and have your horse shod about ten days to two week before the show so that he will have time to adjust to his shoes .

  25. 结论人AB型血清和马血清有利于新生大鼠大脑皮层神经细胞的生长发育。

    Conclusion The horse serum and serum of human AB blood group benefits the growth of pallium nerve cell .

  26. 不同年龄的马也有不同的名字,比如,mare(母马)通常是指三岁以上的马。

    Age also plays a part in terms for horses . For example , a mare is generally a female three years or older .

  27. 淡马锡有一半的新投资位于亚洲,其中多数位于中国,例如淡马锡将其在工行(ICBC)的股份增持至8.9%,还购入了保险公司平安(PingAn)1%的股权。

    Half of its new investments were in Asia , of which most in turn were in China , such as an increase in its stake in the bank ICBC to 8.9 per cent , and the purchase of a 1 per cent stake in the insurer Ping An .

  28. 但现在有消息称,37岁的梅根·马克尔有一个“秘密的”Instagram账户用来关注朋友,而就在几个月前,在看了网络喷子的评论之后她关掉了账号。

    But new sources are now claiming that Meghan Markle , 37 , had a ' secret ' Instagram account which she used to follow her friends until just a few months ago , when she shut it down after seeing vile comments from trolls .

  29. 一匹好马应该有健壮有力的步伐。

    A good horse has a strong , fierce gait .

  30. 我是瑞典人。俄马哈有没有瑞典领事?

    I am swedish . Is there a swedish consul in Omaha ?