
  • 网络matera;Sassi di Matera
  1. Craco位于巴斯利卡塔大区(Basilicata),马泰拉省内(Matera)。距离塔兰托海湾大约25英里,处在靴子状意大利的脚面部分。这座中世纪的古镇是这一带村镇的典型代表,其周围是绵延起伏的山岭,适合中麦子和其他农作物。

    Craco is located at the Buss Likata district ( Basilicata ) , Matera . About 25 miles away from the Taranto bay , occupying the instep part of the boots-shape Italy .

  2. “四星级的精品洞穴酒店”是意大利马泰拉市天使古堡的引以为傲的标语。天使古堡的房间都是在石头里的挖成的。

    " Four-star boutique cave-hotel " is the proud boast of the Sant ' Angelo in the city of Matera , which is famous for its sassi & houses dug into the rock .

  3. 马泰拉地区是保存最为完好、典型的史前穴居人定居点。

    This is the most outstanding , intact example of a troglodyte settlement in the Mediterranean region ecosystem .