
  • 网络Horseshoe Fall
  1. 马蹄瀑布横跨加拿大安大略省和美国纽约州之间的两国边境。

    The Horseshoe Falls straddle the Canadian-United States border between Ontario and New York State .

  2. 在岛的西南部的较大块部份的是加拿大瀑布,称为马蹄瀑布。

    The larger portion , on the southwest side , is the Canadian falls , known as the Horseshoe Falls .

  3. 尼亚加拉大瀑布三大分支当中最大的一支瀑布——马蹄瀑布高188英尺(57米)。

    The Horseshoe Falls segment of Niagara Falls drops 188ft ( 57m ) .

  4. 尼亚加拉瀑布公园警方的督察员保罗说:“那名男子越过了位于加拿大境内的瀑布,就在马蹄瀑布的边缘。”

    The man went over on the Canadian side , right at the brink of Horseshoe Falls ," said Inspector Paul , of Niagara Parks police . "

  5. 因此可得出结论,位于加拿大一侧的马蹄瀑布规模更大,也更为壮观.它是一个以高原湖泊众多,瀑布雄伟壮观,植物景观奇妙著称的风景区。

    Thus the Horseshoe is the larger and grander of the two falls . It is well-known for its network of alpine lakes , spectacular waterfalls and wonderful vegetation .

  6. 公园里耸立着一座观察塔,游人乘电梯直下,可来到美国瀑布底部的峡谷地带。游客还可以乘坐游艇驶入马蹄瀑布谷底的水域。

    It includes an observation tower , elevators that descend into the gorge at the base of the American falls , and boat trips into the waters at the base of the Horseshoe Falls .