
mǎ chē fū
  • coachman;groom;cart driver
马车夫[mǎ chē fū]
  1. 在这个版本中,鸟儿帮灰姑娘做衣服,老鼠则变成了马车夫,驾驶南瓜马车送灰姑娘去参加舞会。

    This is the version where the birds help make Cinderella 's dress and the mice turn into carriage menand help Cinderella go to the dance in a pumpkincarriage .

  2. 代表中央公园马车夫的当地车夫工会(TheTeamstersunionlocal)以激烈的言辞提出了反对。

    The Teamsters union local representing the Central Park carriage drivers objected in strenuous terms .

  3. 她与潘科在购买她们自己的农场期间,就住在那辆甲壳虫微型植物基地的简约版里:一辆车龄25年的马车夫(Coachman)五轮野营车,是他们花2000美元(约合人民币12259元)从朋友手里买来的。

    While she and Ms. Pankow shopped for farmland of their own , they were dwelling in a downscale version of that VW Microgreen : a 25-year-old Coachman fifth-wheel camper they bought from friends for $ 2000 .

  4. 几个马车夫过来看我。

    Several of the other drivers came to look at me .

  5. 马车夫一只手搭在“草莓”身上。

    One of the Cabby 's hands was on Strawberry ;

  6. 马车夫不能阻止马跑的速度。

    The driver could not arrest the horse 's speed .

  7. 运货马车夫很快就喝醉了,一名女使者唤醒了他。

    The Wagon Driver go drunk soon . A waitress wakened him .

  8. 运货马车夫有个在发工资日消费的习惯。

    The wagon driver had a wasteful habit on payday .

  9. 马车夫对着马喊:驾!

    The wagon driver shouted ," get up " to his horse .

  10. 瑞克莱蒂太太说服一位认识她的马车夫

    Mrs Ricoletti persuaded a cab driver someone who knew her

  11. 他是个仆人,一流的厨师,出色的马车夫。

    He is a house-servant , first-rate cook , and splendid carriage driver .

  12. 他正在忙着的时候,马车夫走进房来。

    He was busily engaged at it when the cabman entered the room .

  13. 他站了起来,对马车夫说话。

    He stood up and spoke to the driver .

  14. 他成了马车夫。

    He is the driver of the coach .

  15. 马车夫有他自己观察人生的独特方式。

    The cabby has his own special place from which he looks at life .

  16. 奇迹中的奇迹!这个猫变成了一位非常英俊的马车夫!

    Wonder of wonders ! The cat had transformed into a very smart coachman .

  17. 运货马车夫注视着波浪但突然失足滑进了瀑布。

    The wagon driver watched the waves but suddenly he slipped down into the waterfall .

  18. 马车夫正提着一个箱子吗?

    Is the driver carrying a suitcase ?

  19. 马车夫中途停车喂马。

    The drayman whipped on his horse .

  20. 孀妇同样一本正经地回欠了一下,就命令马车夫继续赶路了。

    The widow returned the bow with equal formality and ordered her coachman to drive on .

  21. 马车夫停下来等她,她很吃力地爬上了车。

    The driver stopped and waited for her . With difficulty she climbed up onto the cart .

  22. 他是用快车还是用货车托运它?运货马车夫用鞭子策马快跑。

    Did he ship it by express or by freight ? The drayman whipped on his horse .

  23. 厨房的生活走上原来的轨道,仿佛世界上根本就没有那个马车夫似的。

    The life of the kitchen went on its accustomed way as though the cabman did not exist .

  24. 马车夫策马路上,车轮忽然陷入泥泞,动弹不得。

    A wagoner was driving his team when the wheel of his wagon got stuck in the mire .

  25. 一个酒吧服务员、一个警察和一个马车夫把马维尔藏了起来,然后等着隐身人的来临。

    Barman , a policeman , and a cabman awaited the Invisible Man 's arrival after hiding Marvel .

  26. 如果他曾是马车夫,就没有理由使人相信他会就此不干了。

    If he had been one there was no reason to believe that he had ceased to be .

  27. 马车夫从座位上转过头来看他,向他挥鞭示意;

    that the coachman was looking back from his box and making signals to him with his whip ;

  28. 运货马车夫醒来时发现他躺在医院病房的床上。

    When the wagon driver woke up , he found himself lying on a bed in the medical ward .

  29. “大家别吵,”马车夫说,“我想听听这音乐。”

    " 'Old your noise , everyone ," said the Cabby . " I want to listen to the moosic . "

  30. 他看见她被她母亲、马车夫、女仆和脚夫簇拥着,坐上车,走了。

    He saw her , encircled by mother , footman , maid , and porter , take her seat and drive away .