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  1. 可是我们不必马上作计划。

    But we don 't have to make plans now .

  2. 这迫使希特勒马上作了他一生中最后的一些决定。

    It forced Hitler to make immediately the last decisions of his life .

  3. 要马上作两人授命,下令出击。

    Under the two-man rule , the order to strike must now be confirmed .

  4. 当亚伦没有马上让我作他的女朋友。

    When Aaron didn 't immediately ask me to be his girlfriend .

  5. 当这个软件巨头公司的老板拒绝象神像叩首时,他马上被变作了一只小虫子。

    When the head of the giant software corporation refused to kowtow to the swami , he was promptly transformed into a little bug .

  6. 除非擅长,你可能并不能马上爱上你所作的事情。

    You might not love it completely until you get good at it .

  7. 船长看清了形势,马上亲自上阵。作“负责(处理某事)”解。

    The captain , as soon as he realized the situation , took charge .

  8. 我们马上给你安排作过敏试验以及验血。

    We 'll schedule you for the allergy test as well as a blood test right away .