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  1. 我不知道是不是这一吻打动了哈里顿,有几分钟,他很当心不让他的脸被人看见,等到他抬起脸时,他却迷瞪地不知朝哪边望才好。

    Whether the kiss convinced Hareton , I cannot tell : he was very careful , for some minutes , that his face should not be seen , and when he did raise it , he was sadly puzzled where to turn his eyes .

  2. 植被在煤矸石边10m以外才生长正常。煤矸石堆积年限对周边土壤的影响表明,重金属污染较严重的有富集现象,微生物量整体受到较为严重影响,反应较为明显。

    Vegetation in the coal gangue outside the normal growth while 10m . Coal gangue piles of surrounding the influence of soil heavy metal pollution is serious , the microbial biomass , there are more serious influence , the overall response is obvious .

  3. 女招待给他们讲了摩根.厄普在餐馆房顶上被枪杀,从那之后女洗手间开始闹鬼的故事,但只有靠左手边的那个房间才闹鬼。

    The waitress had told them how Morgan Earp had been shot on the roof of the building and that … the women ’ s bathroom was haunted . But not both of them , just the one on the left .

  4. 在夏天的一个晚上,我在校园里散步,遇到她便一起边走边聊,才知道她自己的语言是法语和马里本国的班巴拉语。

    One evening in summer , while I was wondering in the campus with her , I was told that she was spoken in French and banballae , one of her local languages .