
  • 网络slope coefficient
  1. 梯型槽边坡系数在0~0.577时,随边坡系数增大,水力条件越优;

    The hydraulic condition of debris flow drainage canal is best as the bed slope coefficient is equal to 3.When the bed slope coefficient of trapezoid drainage canal is greater than 0 and less than 0.577 , with the bed slope coefficient increasing , the hydraulic condition is more advantageous .

  2. 动能损失强度随着主槽边坡系数的增大而减弱,随着滩槽宽度比的增大而增强。

    Kinetic energy loss becomes weaker with main channel side slope factor increasing and becomes stronger with the ratio of main channel and flood plain width increasing .

  3. 基于ANSYS的有限元强度折减法求边坡安全系数

    Using FEM Strength Reduction Method Based on ANSYS to Solve Slope Safety Coefficients

  4. 用折减系数法对土体参数c,ψ等进行了折减,计算边坡安全系数对其进行安全评价。

    Strength reduction method is used to reduce the soil parameters , such as c φ, and safety factor is calculated to be the evaluation basis .

  5. DDA法计算边坡安全系数的黏聚力影响分析

    Effect of cohesion on evaluating slope stability factor of safety by DDA method

  6. 建立了滑坡体爆破动力响应分析模型,基于运动单元法得出了爆破地震系数Ad与边坡安全系数Kd的关系;

    Model of slope 's dynamic response to blasting is given . The relationship between blasting seismic coefficient and slope stability coefficient is established based on kinematics element analysis .

  7. 结合算例分析,得知采用等效Mohr-Coulomb屈服准则计算得到的岩质边坡安全系数偏小、保守,可用来模拟岩体材料;

    By the analysis of rock slope examples , we can know that the calculation result of slope safety coefficient by adopting equivalent Mohr-Coulomb criterion is little and conservative , and can be used to simulate rock-soil material .

  8. 边坡稳定系数迭代求解的实用方法

    The Practical Methods of Solving the Factor of Safety of Slope

  9. 动态规划法求解边坡安全系数最小上限解

    The least upper-bound solution for safety factor of slope by dynamic programming

  10. 运用蒙特卡罗梯度搜索方法求解边坡安全系数

    Calculating safety factor of slope by the Monte carlo-grads method

  11. 经过具体分析计算,得到各区边坡安全系数。

    After detailed analysis , had geted the district slope safety factor .

  12. 基于元胞蚂蚁算法边坡安全系数计算

    Evaluation of Slope Stability Factor Based on Cellular Ant Algorithm

  13. 滑面正应力分布对边坡安全系数的影响

    Effect of normal stress distribution on factor of safety of a slope

  14. 岩质边坡安全系数的解析几何法求解

    An analytic geometry method to determine the safety factor of rock slope

  15. 参数随机性对边坡安全系数的影响

    The effect of parameter randomness on safety factor of slope

  16. 岩石边坡安全系数的边界元解

    Solution of the Safety Factor of Rock Slopes by the Boundary Element Method

  17. 抗滑桩施工中边坡稳定系数分析

    The Effect of Excavation on the Safety Factor of Slope in Slide-resistant Piles Construction

  18. 颗粒流强度折减法和重力增加法的边坡安全系数研究

    Slope safety factor by methods of particle flow code strength reduction and gravity increase

  19. 随着基质吸力的增大,边坡安全系数明显增大;

    With the increase of matrix suction the stability of loess slope increases obviously ;

  20. 基于数理统计理论的边坡安全系数新算法

    A new mathematic theory of statistics for calculating the safety factor of bank slope

  21. 计算了某工程路堑边坡稳定系数和渗流对边坡稳定性的影响系数。

    The influence coefficient of seepage on slope stability is calculated in a cutting slope .

  22. 边坡安全系数的研究

    Study on Side Slope Safety Coefficient

  23. 折线型滑面边坡稳定系数计算的极限分析上限解

    Upper-bound solution of safety factor for slope with broken-line slip surface based on plasticity limit analysis

  24. 不同假定对边坡安全系数计算的影响分析

    A Comparative Study on Effects of Different Assumptions on the Calculation of Factor of Safety of Slopes

  25. 一种确定平面滑动型均质边坡安全系数的弹性极限平衡方法

    A New Method to Determine Safety Factor of Plane Sliding Uniform Slope Based on Elastic Limiting Equilibrium Theory

  26. 以边坡安全系数作为评价指标,对抗滑桩整体工作状态进行评估分级。

    Using slope safety coefficients as evaluation indexes , the whole working status of pile is evaluated and graded .

  27. 结果表明,边坡安全系数随着桩间距的增大,安全系数降低。

    The results show that the safety coefficient of the slope decreases with the increase of the pile spacing .

  28. 结果表明,边坡安全系数大于1.25,基本处于稳定状态。

    The results indicate that the safe factor is greater than 1.25 , illustrating the slope in a stable state .

  29. 在此基础上,研究了材料参数对岩质边坡安全系数的影响。

    On the basis of this , the effects of material parameters on safety factor of rock slope are studied .

  30. 用该算法对圆弧和楔体破坏边坡安全系数模型中的参数进行了搜索。

    The parameters in the safety factor models for circular and failure slopes were searched by using the proposed algorithm .