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  1. 把刀放下,我们边喝边聊。

    Put the knife down let 's drink and talk .

  2. 两个人你劝我喝,边喝边聊。

    The two of them urged each other to drink , and they talked while drinking .

  3. 在肯尼亚,一名持机关枪的警卫向受惊的加拿大援助工人暗示:或许你愿意边喝边聊?

    In Kenya a machine-gun-wielding guard suggested to a terrified Canadian aid worker : Perhaps you would like to discuss this over tea ?

  4. 咱们边喝咖啡边聊吧。

    Let 's talk over coffee .

  5. 最近几周,西尔伯曼及其团队召开了周一例会,通常是到附近的玛克辛酒馆(BistroMaxine)边喝咖啡边聊,讨论如何确保网站周四改版后的平稳运行。

    In recent weeks Silbermann and his team have held a Monday meeting usually in the form of a coffee run to Bistro Maxine to figure out how to keep the site running on Thursday .

  6. 我们明明可以边喝果汁边聊这个话题的

    We can talk about this over a juice box !

  7. 我觉得我们可以边喝咖啡边聊一聊。

    And I thought maybe we could talk about it over coffee or something like that .

  8. 随后,他本想换个话题,平心静气地边喝咖啡边聊些比较平静的家庭事务。

    And then he would have changed the subject , and sipped his coffee in peace over domestic matters of a calmer hue ;

  9. 试试跟你的朋友吐槽,给妈妈发封邮件,或者,如果不是什么很严重的大事的话,你也可以找同事边喝咖啡边聊。

    Try venting to a friend , emailing your mom , or - if it 's nothing serious - chatting with a co-worker over coffee .