
  1. 柔印印品耐黄变性能的探讨

    Research on Resistance to Yellow Changing of Flexo Print

  2. 落球碰撞模拟试验,作为评估火工品耐过载能力的一种技术手段,是目前评估火工品在弹丸发射阶段耐过载能力的最简捷、最经济的新型测试方法。

    Falling ball test , as a technology to assess the anti-overload ability of explosive , is the most concise and economical new testing method utilized in launching process .

  3. 用途:模拟相对海洋气候对各种试品进行耐腐蚀性试验。

    Application : the simulating of corrosion resistance trial of various testing articles to comparative ocean climate .

  4. 洋蘑菇一种可食用的蘑菇,尤指大量培植的品种双孢子蘑菇黄伞菇品系耐温性高产性对比试验分析报告

    An edible mushroom , especially the much cultivated species Agaricus bisporus . Heat Resistance and Yield Comparison of Pholiota Adiposa Grown in Dandong

  5. 本文一方面研究了壳聚糖在柠檬酸溶液牛的溶解性能,将壳聚糖的柠檬酸溶液应用于真丝绸的抗皱整理,并对整理品的耐洗哇和物理性能进行了测试。

    On the one hand , this paper studied solution capability of chitosan in citric acid liquor , applied citric acid solution of chitosan on silk fabrics and tested the washing fastness , the physical performance of finished products .

  6. 不同小麦品种(品系)耐缺锰能力的比较研究

    Study on tolerance of different wheat cultivars or lines to manganese deficiency

  7. 水稻越冬品系的耐冷性鉴定

    Identification of Cold Tolerance of Winter Lines in Rice

  8. 通过农艺性状、主根伸长率、根系电导率、根系活力和脯氨酸含量变化测定,研究不同圆叶决明品系的耐铝性。

    Al3 + tolerance of these strains was studied measuring the agronomic characteristics , elongation rates of main root , root conductivity , root activities and proline content .

  9. 消费品价格指数及耐用品订货指数的公布。

    When US consumer prices and durable goods orders will be released .

  10. 满江红孢子果空间诱变效应的研究Ⅱ空间条件对不同品系满江红耐荫性的影响

    Research on the Effects of Space Induction of Sporocarps of Azolla ⅱ Effect of Space Conditions on the Shade Tolerance of Different Species of Azolla

  11. 光固化转化率随着中和度的提高而加快,适宜的引发剂用量为3%。本品的缺点是耐汽油性不够理想。

    UV-curing conversion is accelerated with increasing neutralization degree , and a suitable dosage of initiator is3 % . The disadvantage of the product is its poor gasoline resistance .

  12. 本品可耐海水、耐矿物油、脂肪烃溶剂、石油的溅污及耐多种化学品,但不耐动植物油或芳香烃溶剂。

    Resistant to salt water , splashes of mineral oils , aliphatic solvents , petrol , and a wide range of chemicals , but not to animal and vegetable oils or aromatic solvents .

  13. 以两个典型基因型番茄品系01(耐弱光)和04(不耐弱光)为试材,研究光强变动对番茄苗期形态特征、光合特性以及相关生理生化指标的影响。

    Effect of variable light intensity on morphological characteristic , photosynthetic characteristic and related physiological-biochemical index of tomato seedling were studied , which used two tomato strains 01 ( weak light tolerance ) and 04 ( weak light sensitive ) as materials .