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pǐn wèi
  • taste;savour
品味 [pǐn wèi]
  • [taste] 品尝滋味

品味[pǐn wèi]
  1. 我老爸的音乐品味都老得掉渣了。

    My dad 's taste in music is from the Stone Age .

  2. 他们有钱,但品味不高。

    They 've got more money than taste .

  3. 他细嚼慢咽地吃着饭,一口一口地品味。

    He ate his meal slowly , savouring every mouthful .

  4. 他毫无服装品味。

    He has no dress sense .

  5. 她衣着甚有品味。

    She dresses with real flair .

  6. 他怡然地品味着咖啡。

    He sipped his coffee pleasurably .

  7. 那里有两棵柠檬树,我不禁驻足品味柠檬的芬芳。

    There were two lemon trees and I paused to enjoy their perfume .

  8. 许多如此酿制的葡萄酒都不像最初的葡萄酒那样耐人品味。

    Many of the resulting wines lack the subtlety of the original model .

  9. 她深深地吸了口气,细细品味着这宁静。

    She breathed deeply , savouring the silence .

  10. 他安静地吃着,细细品味着食物。

    He ate quietly , relishing his meal .

  11. 被告知自己的品味和才能如此不可或缺,他心里非常高兴。

    It was flattering to be told how indispensable his taste and talent were .

  12. 他们显然认为他的品味已不太流行。

    They were obviously of the opinion that his taste was not quite the thing .

  13. 他在穿衣方面很有品味。

    His taste in clothes is extremely good

  14. 尽管芭芭拉·怀特和她的母亲音乐品味不太一致,她们还是喜欢一起听音乐。

    Barbara White and her mother like to listen to music together , though their tastes don 't harmonize .

  15. 哥伦比亚大学的心理学家沙穆斯·汗认为,目前流行的折衷主义("我爱巴赫、Abba和JayZ")是中产阶级将自己与社会等级较低的人的狭隘品味区分开的一种新方式。

    Today 's fashion for eclecticism " I love Bach , Abba and Jay Z " - is , Shamus Khan , a Columbia University psychologist , argues , a new way for the middle class to distinguish themselves from what they perceive to be the narrow tastes of those beneath them in the social hierarchy .

  16. 变化的建筑法规,不断发展的品味,加上保养这些美丽而老旧的指示牌所需的高昂成本,都让商家们更欢迎LED灯,虽然LED灯节省能源,但是成本依然很高。

    Changing building codes , evolving tastes , and the high cost of maintaining those wonderful old signs have businesses embracing LEDs , which are energy efficient , but still carry great cost .

  17. 在1757年的一篇文章中,哲学家大卫•休谟表示,由于"品味的一般原则在人性中是一致的",一些艺术作品的价值本质上可能是永恒的。

    In a 1757 essay , the philosopher David Hume argued that because " the general principles of taste are uniform in human nature , " the value of some works of art might be essentially permanent .

  18. Agritainment(农家乐)就是指农村旅游,像走玉米田迷宫、搭乘颠簸的干草车、亲手摘南瓜等场院式活动均属“农家乐“范畴。这种日渐兴盛的旅游形式在帮助农民增加收入的同时也让城市大人们有机会品味乡间生活。

    Agritainment is farm-based tourism , includes family style activities , such as corn mazes their revenue stream .

  19. 桑迪坐在湍急的小溪边尽情地品味着葵花子的香味。6

    Sandy sniffed7 sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream .

  20. 又或者只是花些时间慢下来品味生活。

    Or even simply just taking the time to slow down and savor your life .

  21. 与之相反,“时尚平民”的时尚品味则没有那么好。

    Quite the contrary , fashion civilian2 is a person whose fashion sense is not so good .

  22. 她拥有高雅的品味,高尚的情操,可爱的性格还有曼妙的身躯。

    Her taste was refined , her sentiments noble , her person lovely , her figure elegant .

  23. “公爵夫人效应”指英国王妃凯特•米德尔顿的时尚穿衣品味对经济产生的积极影响,该说法来源于凯特的新头衔“剑桥公爵夫人”。

    The Duchess Effect – The positive economic impact of Kate Middleton ’ s fashion choices , derived from her new title , ‘ the Duchess of Cambridge ’ .

  24. 我于是常常自问,难道自己不应该去细细品味这些美丽与奇迹,尽绵薄之力去创造世间的美好吗?

    And so I say to myself , Should I not pretty often take time to absorb the beauty and the wonder , to contribute a least a little to the goodness ?

  25. “公爵夫人效应”似乎还不仅仅限于凯特的穿衣品味对经济的影响,整个时尚圈都在其影响下变得更加明快,比我们过去所知的时尚圈多了更多色彩、更加女性化,也更加优雅。

    The Duchess Effect appears to extend much further than the economic impact of Kate 's fashion choices ; this year the fashion landscape seems to be a brighter , more accessible place with the styles more colorful , feminine and graceful than we 've observed in many years .

  26. 它看起来就像是一个唐纳德?特朗普(donaldtrump)的梦想或者噩梦&这取决于你的品味。

    It looks like a Donald Trump dream – or nightmare , according to your taste .

  27. 标有古驰(Gucci)商标的礼物不仅有助于顺利地打通关系,而且与装在信封里的现金相比,也显得颇具品味。

    A gift with a Gucci label builds guanxi , or relationships , and is considered more tasteful than an envelope of money .

  28. 现在日产又推出了一款乱七八糟的Juke跨界车,再次挑战了消费者审美品味的极限。

    The reviewers ' judgment of the crosscabrio is not necessarily final .

  29. 源自欧洲的时尚脉动,STACCATO思加图为现代都会女性提供最新欧洲品味的鞋款及手袋。

    STACCATO offers the latest European trends in footwear and accessories for the contemporary women who treasure taste and style .

  30. 我短暂地考虑了一下Tt的产品如Armor或Kandalf,但是我觉得那些内置灯管品味俗气低下。

    I briefly considered Thermaltake products like Armor and Kandalf , but I find all that internal light show to be tacky and tasteless .