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  1. 细心嚼味的时候,才是人返濮的时刻!

    Carefully chews the taste time , is human 's simple time !

  2. 太不可思议了我小的时候只有两种东西可以嚼水果味的口香糖和烟草

    It is crazy , when I was kid there were two things that I could chew , Juicy Fruit or tobacco .

  3. 嚼一片薄荷味口香糖会让你吞下大量空气,这些空气困在你的消化系统里,会产生压力、腹胀和废气。

    Munching on a piece of minty fresh gum makes you swallow too much air , which gets trapped in your digestive system causing pressure , bloating and gas .