
cū xì
  • thickness;size;fineness;degree of finish;quality of work;crudeness or fineness
粗细 [cū xì]
  • (1) [size]∶粗细的程度

  • 树干有碗口粗细

  • (2) [fineness]∶粗糙和精细的程度

  • 这样粗细的沙子最合适

粗细[cū xì]
  1. 5年生樟子松插穗适宜的规格是粗细为0.4~0.6cm,长短为3~5cm。

    The suitable standard of 5 years camphor pine is 0.4 ~ 0.6 cm thickness , 3 ~ 5 cm length .

  2. 文章采用Sobel算子提取脊线任意方向的方法,根据指纹纹线的粗细,来确定分块大小,并选取合适大小的滤波器。

    In the paper Sobel operator to distill the direction of the ridges was used , then the size of each block according to the thickness of the ridges was decided and the fit size of the filter was selected .

  3. 这样粗细的沙子最合适。

    Sand this fine will be just right .

  4. 庄稼长得好坏,也要看活的粗细。

    Whether the crops grow well or badly depends also on how the work is done .

  5. 它的点划分明,粗细有致,一波三折。

    Some strokes are thick , some are thin , with differences in the lines .

  6. Gear戴起来是否合适,这要取决于你手腕的粗细。

    How the Gear fits will depend on the size of your wrist .

  7. 结果f波的粗细形态有助于评估转复窦性心律成功率的高低;

    Results The f wave shapes had be helpful for reversing sinus rate .

  8. PAS染色见大型圆形孢子和粗细不一的分隔菌丝。

    PAS staining revealed irregular septate hyphae and large round spores .

  9. SEM图像表明铜纳米线的直径与模板的孔径基本一致,纳米线粗细均匀,具有很好的线栅结构。

    SEM images indicate the ordered wire-grid structure of Cu nanowires , the diameter of which is consistent with that of the pores .

  10. 该食品配方为粗细粮合理搭配,适量强化维生素B1、B2、E;微量元素铁、锌及磷脂。

    The Biscuit contains a fair amount of miscellaneous grain crops and additional vitamin B1 , B2 , E , small amount elements Fe , Zn , and phosphatide .

  11. 透射电子显微镜(TEM)表明,Ag纳米线粗细均匀,直径约为200nm。

    The TEM micrographs show that these nanowires have uniform diameter of approximate 200 nm .

  12. 用扫描电镜/X射线能谱观察和分析单个颗粒的形貌和元素成分,对粗细颗粒分别进行了X射线物相分析。

    The morphological observation and composition analysis for individual particles were performed by scanning electron microscopy equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer ( SEM / EDX ) .

  13. 这支笔的粗细跟Pencil差不多,但它是圆柱型的,使用时感觉像是一支白板笔。

    This stylus was thick like the Pencil but was cylindrical , designed to replicate the feel of a dry erase marker .

  14. 词组ruleofthumb(经验法则),是从一条古老的英国法律中来的,即:不能用超过大拇指粗细的东西打老婆。

    The phrase ' rule of thumb ' is derived from and old English law which stated that you couldn 't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb .

  15. 从纳米线阵列的TEM图可以看到,纳米线长短大体一致,粗细均匀,表观形状与模板的柱形微孔相同。

    TEM spectra of nanowires array show that the length of nanowires is uniform and that the shape of nanowires is the same with that of nanoholes .

  16. CSS字体属性允许你改变字体以及它的粗细,大小和样式。

    The CSS font properties allow you to change the font family , boldness , size , and the style of a text .

  17. 单强CV值与质量CV值、条干CV值、粗细节、纱疵密切相关,是衡量气流纱质量的重要指标;

    Single yarn strength CV , yarn weight CV , evenness CV , slubs and yarn defects closely relate with rotor spinning yarn quality .

  18. 脉冲电铸及铸层质量研究实验结果表明,采用方波脉冲电铸能够得到晶粒粗细均匀、硬度和应力符合设计要求的悬臂梁等MEMS结构。

    Pulse Current Electroforming and Quality of Electroformed Parts Experimental results indicate , cantilever and some else structural layers in MEMS can be fabricated by Micro - electroforming .

  19. IAC内面神经及耳蜗前庭神经粗细存在个体差异。

    The size of the facial nerve and cochleovestibular nerve in IAC has individual difference .

  20. 开关板电表刻度线粗细、长短、间隔与观察距离的初步研究BES实验数据离线刻度

    A study of scale mark dimensions , separation and reading distance of panel instrument dial BES Data off-line calibration

  21. 分别从每个样条的顶部、底部、侧面和本体取样,通过甲醇交换,粗细集料的定量测定和在SEM中的背散射电子成像对试样进行检测。

    Slices from the top , bottom , sides and bulk of each specimen were examined by methanol exchange , quantitative determination of coarse and fine aggregate and backscattered electron imaging in the SEM .

  22. ERP系统将生产计划分成主生产计划、物料需求计划、车间作业计划三层,并通过粗细两级能力计划对主生产计划、物料需求计划进行调整。

    ERP system will divide production plan into the main production plan , material requirements plan , workshops operative plan , and through the thick and thin plan of ability to adjust production plan and material requirements plan .

  23. 针对毛发的几何形状,设计了对任意粗细毛发样品的PIXE分析计算方法。

    Considering the geometric shape of the hair , a calculation program was designed for the PIXE analysis of hair samples with different sizes .

  24. 利用Ф2mm电磁型微马达作为执行器设计制作了一外形尺寸为5mm×6mm的微型机器人小车,附设了粗细两级CCD摄像头来实现机器人视觉。

    The Ф 2 mm electromagnetic micro motor is used to design a 5 mm × 6 mm micro robot vehicle , with two CCD of different level .

  25. 管袢交叉、管袢畸形、粗细不均、红细胞聚集、血色积分显著高于正常组(P0.01)。

    The capillary loops cross , capillary loops misshape , different diameters of microvessels , the red blood cell aggregation and the score values of the blood color are obviously higher than health control group ( P0.01 ) .

  26. 对检测图像进行Canny算子边缘检测后,采用先大间隔后小间隔的粗细累加策略,完成Hough变换检测。

    After edge detection of test image using Canny operator , the detection process of Hough transform is accomplished through rough-and-fine accumulation strategy which firstly uses big accumulating distance and then uses small distance .

  27. 解剖学观察可见术后16周A组、B2组吻合口平滑,神经生长良好,连续性佳,神经干粗细相当,直径约为正常神经的4/5。

    Anatomical observation : After sixteen weeks , neural anastomotic smooth , nerve stem is continuous and benign , which is the diameter like the normal nerve in Group A and Group B2 .

  28. 提出了二灰土配合比设计的关键控制参数土中<0.005mm颗粒含量范围,以及反映二灰土颗粒级配优劣与活性的重要参数粗细颗粒比Cf。

    The key control parameter , the content of grains which is smaller than 0.005 mm , and the important parameter reflecting quality and activity of grain gradation & the coarse-to-fine grain ratio Cf , were taken out .

  29. 针对单一尺度的Gabor滤波器组只对某一特定粗细的手写体汉字敏感的缺点,提出了一种新颖的多尺度局部Gabor滤波器组。

    This paper proposed a new local Gabor filter bank with multiple scales to overcome the disadvantage of the traditional Gabor filter bank with a single scale , which is sensitive to the width variation of handwritten Chinese characters .

  30. 车牌字符识别:针对车牌字符出现的扭曲变形、笔划粗细不同等情况,本文采用改进的Hausdorff距离作为字符与模板间距离函数,在字符细化的基础上,实现车牌字符识别的模板匹配算法。

    Character recognition : In regard to the deformed character and the different stroke of character , the paper adopt the improvable Hausdorff Distance to realize the template match algorithm based on the thin stroke of character .