
cū pī
  • rough blank
粗坯[cū pī]
  1. 在梅恩便门,有些云石制造工人、画家、雕刻工场的粗坯工人。

    At the Barriere du Maine there are marble-workers , painters , and journeymen in the studios of sculptors .

  2. 康原呈现了彰化诗学的另一种可能,就像他型构彰化学的粗坯,一样真诚且真实。

    Kang Yuan presents to another possibility of Chang-Hua poetics as he models the framework of Chang-Hua literature with his genuine and sincere heart .

  3. 当梯度层数相同时,随着球直径增大,骨架的厚度增粗,坯体的抗压强度也略有增加。

    When gradient layer is same and diameter of spheres increases , compressive strength enhanced slightly due to the increase of strut thickness .

  4. 介绍了活扳手扳口新的模锻工艺流程,阐述了镦粗&成形制坯工艺,闭式精密模锻工艺及模具结构设计,比较了新旧工艺的技术经济效益。

    The technological process of new die forging for locking jaw of adjustable wrench was introduced , technology and die construction design of compression forming preforming and flashless precision die forging was explained , and technical economic benefit of new and old technology was compared .