
  • 网络extensive management
  1. 目前整个房地产行业的成本控制仍呈粗放式管理态势,精细化管理之路尚处于探索阶段,这就要求我们在成本控制管理的很多细节性问题上还要进行不断的探索和研究。

    At present , cost control is still extensive management in Real Estate . Delicacy management is still the stage of exploration .

  2. 目前中心的信息管理一直沿用粗放式管理,主要依靠工作人员手工记录。

    Currently , comprehensive information management of the center has been using extensive management , mainly relies on manual records of staff .

  3. 而公司长期所依靠的粗放式管理,已经不能使企业满足市场的需求。

    And the company long-term depends vulgar management , enterprise has been unable to satisfy the needs of the market .

  4. 各大移动通信运营商逐渐从早期面向网络的粗放式管理,转向面向客户和服务的精细化管理。

    The mobile CSPs are turning the management focus gradually from early network oriented management to customer and service oriented management .

  5. 房地产企业单单靠以往的粗放式管理,难以在竞争激烈的市场中获得一席之地。

    The real estate companies simply rely on extensive management ; it is difficult to gain a foothold in the highly competitive market .

  6. 民营企业在原有的粗放式管理模下,生产成本高,生产效率低下等因素已经严重的制约着企业的发展。

    Moreover , high cost production and low efficiency of production for private enterprise , the old extensive management is the bottleneck for the continuous and well growth of the company itself .

  7. 当前税务工作的重中之重就是如何在税源管理中改变过去惯有的放任自流的粗放式管理模式,建立一套严密、细致、科学的管理和评价体系。

    How to change the past extensive taxation management mode in managing revenue sources , and how to establish a strict-detailed-scientific management and evaluation system are our top important work for taxation staff .

  8. 这是一场管理的变革,由原来的聚焦营销转向聚焦管理,由原来的粗放式管理,走上精细化管理的道路。

    This is a change of management , turn from original focus marketing to and focus on managing , by original extensive management , go on the road of management of finely melting .

  9. 如何提高企业管理能力,由粗放式管理向精细化管理转变,如何向管理要效益,在竞争中求发展成为铁岭发电公司的重大课题。

    How improve enterprise managerial ability , from extensive management to take management change intensively , how to benefit from management , how to develop in the competition has become a major issue .

  10. 在这种形势下,建筑企业只能提高项目管理水平,由以往的粗放式管理模式向精益化、集约化管理转变,在规范管理中求得高效益。

    In this situation , the construction enterprises have to promote their project management , and change the previous extensive management model into the lean intensive one , and get good profits during the process of standard management .

  11. 随着我国建筑行业的发展,工程项目管理已经从粗放式管理逐渐过渡到精细化管理,同时,随着市场经济的发展,建筑施工企业也面临着激烈的市场竞争。

    With the development of Chinese construction industry , project management has gradually turned extensive management to the fine management . At the same time , with the development of market economy , construction companies face fierce competition .

  12. 抛弃以往粗放式管理网络的模式,利用交换和路由相关技术,按照数字图书馆功能需求,重新设计网络结构与应用,满足了数字图书馆业务需要。

    Abandoned in the past extensive network management model , using the relevant switching and routing technologies , in accordance with the needs of digital library functions , re-design and application of network structure to meet the business needs of the digital library .

  13. 作为我国金融市场中成长最为迅速的行业,也是一个高度竞争和极富风险的行业,保险公司借助信息化手段提高竞争能力、由粗放式管理向精细化管理转型也成为关键之举。

    As a fast growing , highly competitive and very risky industry in Chinese financial market , insurance company , which uses means of information technology to improve competitiveness , has realized that transformation from extensive management to fine management has become a key step .

  14. 然而,在我国煤炭行业粗放式管理模式下,煤炭生产企业对煤矿生产物流体系中回收物流和废弃物流的现行管理方式不但造成极大的资源浪费,而且管理效率极其低下。

    However , under the Extensive management pattern in Chinese coalmine industry , the management pattern that coalmine production enterprises use to returned logistics and waste material logistics in coalmine production logistics system will cause tremendous waste of resources , and the management efficiency is extremely low .

  15. 新的工作流模式的应用,改变了传统粗放式的管理模式。

    Application of the new mode , has changed the management mode of the traditional extensive type .

  16. 阐述了国有商业银行粗放式经营管理模式和企业效益低下加剧了银行体系的信贷风险;

    And it 's illuminated that the credit risks of the bank system is enhanced by the free-and-easy-style management in the state-owned commercial banks and the low profit in the enterprises .

  17. 要真正把旅游业树立为四川省的支柱产业,就必须彻底扭转当前对旅游文化资源的粗放式经营管理局面。

    In order to establish the tourism as the economic pillar , it was necessary for Sichuan tourism to change the rough management and operation in its tourism culture resources thoroughly .

  18. 如何克服粗放式的管理模式,搞好物理仪器深层次的科学管理,从而科学规范地使用物理仪器,达到延长仪器的使用寿命的目的。

    It is very important how to overcome careless management model and do well high - level scientific management of physical instrument so as to make scientific and standard use of physical instru-ment and prolong their use longevity .

  19. 随着民营企业的壮大,原有的、简单的、粗放式的管理模式已经不能满足企业运营的需要,而现代企业制度的引进必然导致治理结构的变革。

    As the private enterprises grew , old , simple and extensive mode of management can not satisfy the need of enterprise operation , and the transform of governance structure is to take place undoubtedly after the introduction of modern enterprise system .

  20. 实践证明,传统的粗放式税源管理已不能适应日渐复杂的税源管理要求,只有落实信息管税的要求,才能促进税收管理科学化、精细化的实现。

    Practice has proved that the extensive sources of revenue management can not meet the increasingly complex sources of revenue management , only the implementation of the tax requirements of information management in order to promote the realization of tax and scientific management , fine .