
  • 网络Coarse-Grained;coarse grain;coarse-grain;coarse granularity
  1. 这样,您就可以向Web服务客户提供粗粒度的服务。

    In this way , you provide coarse-grained services to your web service clients .

  2. 用户通过宏观指示层为协商Agent提供粗粒度的指导,这样使得协商过程变得可控,从而达到可信。

    User can provide coarse-grained guidance to negotiation agent by writing macro instructions .

  3. 始终优先考虑粗粒度的Web服务;决不要在分布式系统之间使用细粒度Web服务调用。

    Always give preference to coarse-grained Web services ; never use fine-grained Web services invocation between distributed systems .

  4. 结果,基于数字签名的成功,WebSphereApplicationServer只提供粗粒度的授权。

    As a result , WebSphere Application Server only provides coarse-grain authorization based on the digital signature 's success .

  5. SCA中的SpringFramework支持以一个粗粒度级别提供。

    Support for the Spring Framework in SCA is provided at a coarse-grained level .

  6. 粗粒度服务与SOA服务概念的对应关系更为紧密。

    Coarse-grained services correspond more closely to the notion of an SOA service .

  7. 研究了数字仪表监视系统通信模式,为适应跨平台的软件需求,设计了粗粒度的WebServices来传输数据。

    System communication pattern is studied , and Coarse-grained Web Services are designed to transmit data for satisfying the requirement of cross-platform .

  8. 更确切地讲,CA是粗粒度的(至少大多数情况如此)。

    The CA is more coarse-grained ( in most cases , at least ) .

  9. 基于依赖性分析的UML类图粗粒度切片方法

    The UML Class Diagram Coarse-Grained Slicing Based on Dependency Analysis

  10. 在20世纪90年代中期Web首次流行起来的时候,浏览器只允许粗粒度的HTTP请求。

    When the Web first rose to popularity in the mid-1990s , browsers allowed only coarse-grained HTTP requests .

  11. 此代码的目的是为了说明可以将Spring组装作为粗粒度组件实现使用。

    This is shown to illustrate the point that a Spring assembly can be used as a coarse-grained component implementation .

  12. 例如,假设您具有一组粗粒度的服务,这些服务将可能很大的XML文档作为输入。

    For example , assume you have a set of coarse-grained services that take potentially large XML documents as input .

  13. SOA的精髓在于能够解决实际问题的松散耦合粗粒度服务。

    The spirit of SOA lies in loosely coupling course-grained services that solve real business problems .

  14. 粗粒度SCA组件模型具有以下粒度属性

    The coarse-grained SCA component model enables the following attributes of granularity

  15. GUI级的测试是一种非常粗粒度的测试。

    Testing at the GUI level is very coarse-grained .

  16. 而且,一个典型的SOA会同时包括细粒度(原子服务)和粗粒度(组合服务)两种服务。

    Also , a typical SOA contains both fine-grained ( atomic ) and coarse-grained ( composite ) services .

  17. SOA具有松散耦合、粗粒度、互操作性等优点。

    SOA possesses the sound features such as being loosened coupling , rough grain - size and retro-operative etc.

  18. 涵盖Spring对自动装配支持的文档中常常会提到由于自动装配机制的粗粒度而伴随有很多限制性。

    Documentation covering Spring 's support for autowiring has often been accompanied with caveats due to the coarse granularity of the autowiring mechanism .

  19. 当粗粒度方法充当后端功能的主要入口点时,将使用APILayer事务策略。

    The API Layer transaction strategy is used when you have coarse-grained methods that act as primary entry points to back-end functionality .

  20. SCA是最适合粗粒度组件的模型。

    SCA provides a natural model for coarse-grained components .

  21. 对于粗粒度和细粒度的查询,您可以在QueryAPI中使用XPath表达式来执行搜索。

    You can use XPath expressions in the Query API to perform searches for coarse-and fine-grained queries .

  22. EJB架构下远程粗粒度调用方法

    Implementation of Remote Coarse-Grained Call in EJB Architecture

  23. 抽象:使用非SCA组合实现粗粒度组件。

    Ion : The use of a non-SCA composition to implement a coarse-grained component .

  24. SCA提供了构建粗粒度组件的机制,这些粗粒度组件由细粒度组件组装而成。

    SCA provides a mechanism to build coarse-grained components as assemblies of fine-grained components .

  25. 虽然传输和代理能够一起协作,从而将Web应用程序的线程隔离开,但这是在应用程序间管理资源的一种非常粗粒度方式。

    While the transports and proxy can work together to isolate threads from Web applications , this is a very coarse-grained way of trying to manage resources between applications .

  26. 根据需要,可以实现粗粒度服务和细粒度服务的某种结合,通过调整Web服务网关中间件来向外部客户公开两种服务。

    Depending on requirements , you can go for some combination of coarse-grained and fine-grained services , exposing both to external clients by tuning your web service gateway middleware .

  27. 数据访问层是一系列作为无状态会话bean实现的粗粒度DataAccessObjects(DAO)(参见参考资料)。

    The data access tier is a set of coarse-grained Data Access Objects ( DAOs )( see Resources ) implemented as stateless session beans .

  28. 数据访问层被设计为一系列粗粒度的DAO。

    The data access tier is designed as a set of coarse-grained DAOs .

  29. SCA还可以通过使用细粒度组件的组装作为粗粒度组件的实现来提供通过实现组合(compositionbyimplementation)。

    SCA can also provide composition by implementation through the use of an assembly of finer-grained components as the implementation of a coarse-grained component .

  30. 如J2EE安全体系结构中提供的基于角色的类级粗粒度访问控制已经不能满足当前企业级应用实际需求;

    For example . The class-level access control of J2EE can 't meet the security requirements of application actually ;