
  • 网络flat;Flat yarn;MBT;staple fiber;ROTH
  1. 结论:滑动机制直丝弓矫治技术矫治成人ClassⅢ类骨性反牙合,软组织侧貌改善明显,达到了掩饰性治疗目的。

    Conclusion : The sliding mechanical straight-wire is useful in camouflage of the adults ′ skeletal Class ⅲ malocclusion .

  2. 目的了解OPAK滑动直丝弓矫治器的临床应用特点。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical application of OPA-K straight wire appliance .

  3. 目的:采用直丝弓矫治器矫治成年患者骨性AngleⅡ类2分类错牙合,以研究正畸治疗前后牙、颌硬组织变化,评价正畸矫治效果。

    Objective : To investigate hard tissue changes and to evaluate the orthodontic effect induced by straight wire appliance for adult skeletal class ⅱ division 2 malocclusion .

  4. 目的:探讨直丝弓矫治技术结合使用J钩治疗安氏Ⅱ1错牙合的临床效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of class ⅱ malocclusion treated with MBT technique with high pull headgear J hook .

  5. 直丝用柔软剂DF4B

    Silk-use softener DF - 4 B

  6. 方法收集错牙合畸形患者50例,均采用MBT(3M)直丝弓矫治技术进行矫治。

    Methods We selected 50 patients who were treated by MBT ( 3M ) straight wire appliance .

  7. MBT直丝弓矫治技术的临床应用

    The clinical observation of MBT straight wire appliance

  8. MBT技术&当代直丝弓矫治技术

    MBT - - Modern Straight Wire Technique

  9. 方法:应用直丝弓矫治器治疗安氏Ⅱ1错牙合患者9例,结合使用J钩头帽口外牵引向后滑动弓丝关闭拔牙间隙,并适当应用于拉尖牙向远中的阶段。

    Method Nine class ⅱ malocclusion cases were treated with the straight wire appliance , using high pull headgear J hook in the stage of cuspid retraction and space closure .

  10. 改良Nance弓联合直丝矫治技术是一种有效的方法。

    The combination of modified nance arch with straight wire arch technique is valid method .

  11. 滑动直丝技术及MBT托槽在关闭拔牙间隙时,对下后牙舌倾度有较好的控制能力,两组差异呈高度显著性(P<0.01)。

    The lingual inclination of lower posterior teeth was significantly smaller in MBT appliance group ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  12. 结论MBT滑动直丝弓矫治器对于拔牙病例内收前牙有着很好的转矩控制;

    Conclusion MBT appliance can control the torque of anterior teeth very well when the anterior teeth were moved posteriorly in the cases of extraction ;

  13. 方法利用薄层CT技术对已使用直丝弓矫治器排齐的下牙列进行扫描,通过数字影像的转换,结合Ansys三维有限元专用软件对CT断层影像进行分析处理和加工。

    Methods The mandibular dentition aligned with the straight wire appliances was scanned with the thin-layer CT technique to obtain the CT tomographic images , which were converted into digital images and were analyzed and processed by the specialized software named Ansys for three-dimensional finite element .

  14. 11例患者治疗结束。结论:MBT直丝弓矫治器可用于各类错■矫治,但应注意个案的错■类型特点。

    Conclusion : MBT straight wire appliances may be used in the treatment of various malocclusion , but special consideration should be taken according to the type of occlusion in each case .

  15. 方法:收集错■畸形患者41例,其中男11例,女30例,年龄12~42岁,平均21岁。均采用MBT直丝弓矫治器治疗。

    Methods : 41 cases , 11 males and 30 famales aged 12-42 years old , with malocclusion were treated by MBT straight wire appliance in orthodontic clinics , follow-up was carried out .

  16. 若面料的布边织得很紧,使面料抽在一起,可沿直丝绺剪掉布边或以2.5cm(1英寸)的间隔修剪布边。

    If the selvage edge of the fabric is woven tightly and the fabric pulls , either remove the selvage by cutting along the lengthwise grain or clip through the selvage at2.5cm ( 1 inch ) intervals .

  17. 混合式直丝弓矫治器矫治前牙反牙合的初步应用

    Preliminary Application of Compound Straight Wire Appliance for Correcting Anterior Cross-bite

  18. 直丝弓矫治器对牙根轴倾斜度的影响

    The Effect of Straight Wire Appliances on Presetting Angles on Crown Angulations

  19. 中国人滑动直丝弓矫治器的研制和临床应用

    A Study and Clinical Use of Chinese Sliding Mechanic Straight Wire Appliance

  20. 衬条必须用直丝绺裁剪。

    Be sure to cut out interfacing strips along the straight grain .

  21. 直丝弓一步和两步滑动法的比较研究

    Comparison of One step and Two step Sliding Technique using Straight Wire Appliance

  22. 选用国产直丝托槽时应注意支抗控制。

    We should pay attention to anchorage control in using Chinese made brackets .

  23. 所有患者身心健康,无正畸-外科联合治疗史以及前牙外伤史,均采用直丝弓矫治技术。

    All patients were healthy without surgery and incisor injury before orthodontic treatment .

  24. 应用直丝弓矫治器对双牙弓前突进行拔牙矫治前后颌面软硬组织的变化

    Treatment changes of bimaxillary protrusion with Straight Wire Appliance

  25. 改良滑动直丝弓托槽的竖沟设计对支抗的影响

    The influence of the vertical channel of improved sliding straight wire appliance to anchorage

  26. 直丝的二步法仍是先进的工艺?

    - Step Process for flat Yarns-Still State-of-the-Art ?

  27. 亚力山大直丝弓矫治技术在拔牙病例中的应用

    The application of Alexander discipline in extraction cases

  28. 目的对直丝弓矫治器关闭间隙的两种方法,即关闭曲法和滑动法的优缺点进行评价。

    Objective To compare the difference between closing T loop technique and sliding technique .

  29. 直丝弓矫治器在恒前牙脱位固定中的应用

    The Application of Correcting Fixed the Dislocated Permanent Anterior Teeth by the Straight-wire Appliance

  30. 新型直丝弓托槽定位器的开发研究

    Developing A Straight Wire Bracket Placement Gauge