
  • 网络direct recording;Direct Encoding
  1. 不知道那位前辈可以指导一下,是用模拟器录制视频还是找个摄像机直接录制手机上的操作,需要配音或者在视频上编辑添加文字进行说明么?

    We began the review of your app but are not able to continue because we need access to a video that demonstrates your app in use .

  2. 直接开始录制,电影效果模式会保持对焦在主体上,即使他们处在移动中。

    Just start recording , and Cinematic mode will hold focus on the subject even when they 're moving .

  3. 一位摄影师说,电影导演能够直接看到刚刚录制的内容,而胶片却不可能做到这一点。

    One cameraman said the director of a movie can immediately see what was just recorded , something impossible to do with film .

  4. 为了满足广大观众的需要,电视台在原有频道的基础上扩充了很多新的播出频道,从而直接导致节目录制的数量开始成倍的增长。

    In order to meet the needs of the audience and television channels on the basis of the original expansion of a lot of new broadcast channels , which led directly to the number of program recording began to grow exponentially .

  5. 超速率翻版唱片直接从混音板录制下来的。

    Super-rare bootleg recorded straight off the mixing board .