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zhí bǐng
  • straight shank
直柄[zhí bǐng]
  1. 易于装卸的直柄,节省更换工具的时间。

    Straight shank easy for load-and-unload , which saves the time of changing tools .

  2. 硬质合金直柄立铣刀

    Straight shank solid carbide endmill

  3. 基于UG的标准直柄麻花钻三维实体建模

    3D Modeling of Standard Straight Handle Twist Drill on UG

  4. 直柄麻花钻用DGG回火处理,其切削寿命比常规三次回火的约提高30%,且可以降低能耗。

    The field verification indicates that cutting life of straight stem twist drill treated with " LHH " tempering can be increased about 30 % when compared with that by conventional three times tempering , and thus the energy and man-hour may be saved .

  5. 高速钢直柄麻花钻预应力热处理试验研究

    Prestressing Heat Treatment of High Speed Steel Straight Shant Twist Drill

  6. 直柄立铣刀切削稳定性的分析

    Study of Cutting Stability of Straight Shank End milling cutter

  7. 削平型直柄粗加工立铣刀型式与尺寸

    Roughing end mill with flatted parallel shank types and dimensions

  8. GB10051.3-1988起重吊钩直柄吊钩使用检查

    Lifting hooks & Inspection of shank hook in service

  9. 刀与刀柄的比例-刀与刀柄成比例吗?ph.1.直柄剃刀,开式剃刀

    Blade-to-handle ratio . Does the blade look proportional to the handle ? cut-throat razor

  10. GB/T10051.2-1988起重吊钩直柄吊钩技术条件

    Lifting hooks & Technical conditions of shank hook

  11. GB/T10051.5-1988起重吊钩直柄单钩

    Lifting hooks & Shank hooks with point

  12. 螺旋直柄槽机用铰刀

    Spiral flute machine reamer with straight shank

  13. 三种长度直柄的假体所产生的骨吸收相差近30%,直柄长度的变化对应力遮挡效应有更显著的影响。

    The length variation of straight handle has distinct influence on the effect of stress shielding .

  14. 直柄式多功能电动骨锯、钻单片机控制系统

    The Control System of Straight Handle Multifunction Electric Bone Saw and Bone Drill Based on MCU

  15. 有直柄钻头和螺纹柄钻头之分,螺纹柄分为内螺纹和外螺纹。

    The core bit includes shank and thread , which consists of male thread and female thread .

  16. 无线并车吊运百米钢轨新型桥式起重机GB10051.3-1988起重吊钩直柄吊钩使用检查

    Two new 100-meter-rail-hoisting bridge cranes featuring synchronous movement based on wireless control Lifting hooks & Inspection of shank hook in service

  17. 烧结直柄钻头:适用于玻璃、陶瓷、宝石等硬脆材料的钻孔。

    Sinter type straight-handle drills : Use for drilling hard and brickle material , such as glass , ceramics , jewellery etc.

  18. 工匠没有但将它建制得非常传神,而且借以一种特定的格式构建阿谁模子,即当窜改一个直柄时每个星球皆市窜改并沿着轨讲匝弄。

    The artisan had proximity , but also constructing the model in such a manner that everything rotated and orbited when a crank was turned .

  19. 本公司主要生产直柄麻花钻头,硬质合金多用直柄麻花钻,金属开孔器,钨合金锯片以及建工钻的专业生产厂家。

    This company produces straight-handle twist drill , hard metal multi-aid straight-handle twist drill , metal hole digger , tungsten alloy saw blade , and building drill .

  20. 这种夹头兼有直柄式与锥柄式所具有的精度高、装拆方便、结构简单等优点。

    The clamp has the same advantages of high accuracy , convenient assembly and disassembly and simple structure as the straight shank type and the taper shank type .

  21. 另一方面,直柄钻头用钻头卡盘夹住,接下来钻头卡盘则象锥形钻柄钻头一样安装在主轴轴孔内。

    On the other hand , straight-shank drills are held in a drill chuck that is , in turn , fitted into the spindle socket in the same way as tapered shank drills .

  22. 在实际作业时,电缆不穿过手柄内腔而通过电缆固定器与直柄或弯臂连接。

    When the utility model is practically operated , the cable which does not pass through the handle chamber is connected with the straight handle or the curved arm through the cable fixer .

  23. 在对直柄立铣刀切削时的受力、变形进行分析的基础上,阐述了影响直柄立铣刀稳定切削的因素。

    The factor to influence the cutting stability of straight shank end milling cutter is discussed based on the analysis of pressure and deformation of straight shank end milling cutter in the cutting process .

  24. 但是这种(网前扑球用的)拇指很直的顶住拍柄宽面的握拍姿势并不适合反手平抽。

    But this grip , which your thumb is straight behind it , is not good for backhand drive when the player take shuttle a little bit side of their body than in front of their body .