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rén jūn
  • prince;ruler;king;monarch
  • emperor
人君 [rén jūn]
  • [emperor] 旧指君主

  • 后之为人君者不然。--明. 黄宗羲《明夷待访录.原君》

  1. 人君应当选拔具备六项德行标准人才和抓住三件重大的事情。

    The ruler should note the six characteristics when selecting capable men and three'treasures'of the state .

  2. 同时,书中还谈命相、论穷通、说祸福,规谏人君、指摘风俗,这一点又显示出作者世俗化的一面。

    Meanwhile , the book also talks about fate , on the next travel , that fortune , regulation remonstrance ruler who , accused of customs , which is another show of the secular side .

  3. 因此,如果说好人君(Mr.Wonderful)头一两次约会都主动掏钱,那他的约会对象可能就会觉得第三回、第四回甚至是第50回也都该由他买单。

    So if Mr. Wonderful pays on dates one and two , his dinner partner may assume he is happy to pay on dates three , four and 50 .

  4. SO2污染状况调查的目的是为了控制工作场所的空气质量,提醒各类职业人君密切注意职业卫生安全作业,在作业过程中加强防范意识。

    The aim of investigating SO2 pollution state is to remind professional groups to keep watch out of safe operation and professional sanitation , and to enhance protection consciousness .

  5. 其次,士绅阶层作为国家和民众之间的中介,助人君,明教化,是其重要使命。

    Secondly , as the social intermediary , gentry 's stratum had its important mission that they should help emperors to govern country and carry on its education .

  6. 用直接快速涂片和缩小视野时钟法,检查粪便细菌分布,并与大便菌群培养及计数比较,我们观察分析了82例不同年龄组广东健康人君的肠道菌群变化。

    By direct rapid smear method 、 contracted Sight-scale clock method and breeding of fecal flora , the fecal flora from 82 cases of different age groups were observed .

  7. 盖为人君者,由于他们与臣民之间地位上的距离的原故,是不能享受友谊的——除非他们(为使自己能享受友谊起见)把某人擢升到他们底伴侣或侪辈底地位,然而这样做底结果往往是有不便的。

    For princes , in regard of the distance of their fortune from that of their subjects and servants , cannot gather this fruit , except ( to make themselves capable thereof ) they raise some persons to be , as it were , companions and almost equals to themselves , which many times sorteth to inconvenience .

  8. 莫愁前路无知己天下谁人不识君&焦作地区风景名胜资源初探

    Primary Probe of Famous Scenic Resources in Jiaozuo Area

  9. 人要食君俸禄,就会服从君主使用。

    When men take salary , they will submit to their ruler .

  10. LC-MS法测定人血浆中利托君浓度

    Determination of Ritodrine in Human Plasma by LC-MS

  11. 汤是中国人眼中的明君。

    Tang 's reign is regarded as a good one by the Chinese .

  12. 他的目标是给人以“明君”的印象,而不是赢得选举。

    His aim was to come across as a " good emperor ," not to win an election .