
rén lèi wén huà xué
  • ethnology
  1. 文彦建筑哲学的系统中枢由建筑学与人类文化学交叉凝聚成基本支撑框架。

    The centrum of Fumihiko Maki 's architectural philosophy system is constituted by the interaction of architecture and ethnology .

  2. 专心于文学或学术的人。研究人种学或人类文化学的人类学家。

    A man devoted to literary or scholarly activities . an anthropologist who studies ethnology .

  3. 人类文化学对于文化的分层归类为本文建立了研究的框架,同时提供了认识文化误译的本体论。

    Anthropology provides theoretical frame for the thesis , making it convenient to classify ideational mistranslation into five categories , as addressed previously .

  4. 礼物和礼物交换是人类文化学的关注中心之一,广泛存在于各种文化之中,引起了许多学者的关注。

    Gift and gift exchange is one of the center which is concerned by culture anthropology , it widely exists in varieties of culture and attracts many scholars .

  5. 以人类文化学的观点,从住文化自然流变的角度,探讨了传统民居的去留,从而指出当前居住建筑设计的方向问题。

    This article probes into the future of traditional houses by analyzing the nature evolution of residential culture , and points out the tendency for designing the residential architecture .

  6. 并积极借鉴人类文化学、民俗学、社会学、民间美术研究等学科的学术思维,来完善手工艺课题的研究。

    And actively learn from human culture , folklore , sociology , folk art on the academic disciplines , such as thinking , to improve research projects in the arts and crafts .

  7. 本文试图从人类文化学的角度对杨老三、姚国栋和万昭华三个人物形象思想性格的文化内涵进行新的探析。

    At the angle of human cultural science , this paper analyses the cultural intension of the three characters Yang Laosan , Yao Guodong and Wan Zhaohua , from the figures and characters of thought .

  8. 建立在人类文化学、心理学、符号学等学科基础上的原型批评,为我们在半个多世纪后对现代戏剧进行整体研究提供了新的角度。

    The archetype criticism , which is based on human culturology , psychology , semiology and some other subjects , provides a new critical visual angle for us to study the modern drama as a whole after more than fifty years .

  9. 非营利组织是实现经济文化一体化的平台情绪·情感·情商在人类文化社会学平台上的审视

    Non-profit Organizations-the Platform of the Community of Social Economy and Culture ; Discussion on Emotion , Affect and EQ in the View of Anthropological Sociology and Cultural Sociology

  10. 抑郁症情绪日夜变化与若干生化指标情绪·情感·情商在人类文化社会学平台上的审视

    Study on relationships among diurnal mood variation and some biochemical indexs in depressive patients Discussion on Emotion , Affect and EQ in the View of Anthropological Sociology and Cultural Sociology

  11. 从社会智力到情感智力对社会智力与情感智力理论的探讨情绪·情感·情商在人类文化社会学平台上的审视

    Form Social Intelligence to Emotional Intelligence & A Reflection on the Theories of SI and El ; Discussion on Emotion , Affect and EQ in the View of Anthropological Sociology and Cultural Sociology