
  1. 他们向人祖爷诉说内心情感,从人祖爷那儿得到精神上的满足和心灵上的慰藉。

    They tell of the emotional to forefathers , satisfying to the spirit and getting spiritual solace from him .

  2. 沧州民谣:“一文一武,一国宝,一人祖。”

    Cangzhou folk song : " a text of a force , a national treasure , one is ancestral . "

  3. 人祖神话是创世神话中较为古老的部分,它反映了人类对自身起源最朴素的思索和积极的探讨。

    Myths of the earliest ancestor , the older part of creation myths , reflect people 's naive thought and active probing into the origin of human being .

  4. 在淮阳地区,人祖爷信仰颇为民众推崇,人祖爷即是民间传说中的华夏民族始祖伏羲氏。

    In the Huaiyang area , The Person Ancestor Master Believe has being esteemed by people , The Person Ancestor Master Believe is the nationality first ancestor called Fu Xi in folklore China .

  5. 远古时代,诞生于阆水之滨的人祖华胥,在这里孕育了伏羲女娲兄妹。

    In remote antiquity , Huaxu , the ancestor of the Chinese , was born near the Lang River , and gave birth to Fuxi , the brother , and his sister , N ü wa .

  6. 尼日利亚阿萨巴——酷热之下,尼日利亚顶尖的电影人尤格祖·J·尤格祖(UgezuJ.Ugezu)正坐在一张蓝色的塑料凳子上奋笔疾书,修改剧本。摄像机做好了开动的准备。

    ASABA , Nigeria - Sitting on a blue plastic stool in the sweltering heat , Ugezu J. Ugezu , one of Nigeria 's top filmmakers , was furiously rewriting his script as the cameras prepared to roll .

  7. 基质细胞衍化因子-1对人内皮祖细胞迁移的影响

    Effects of stromal cell-derived factor-1 on endothelial progenitor cells migration

  8. 人肝脏祖细胞研究进展

    Progress in human hepatic progenitor cell research

  9. 人视网膜祖细胞和脑神经干细胞的体外培养和诱导分化研究

    A comparison study for differentiation between human fetal retinal progenitor cells and brain neural stem cells in vitro

  10. 你有一个称之为“家”的舒适小别墅,还是被人从祖屋扫地出门?

    Do you have a cozy cottage to call home , or have you been banished from you ancestral estate ?

  11. 目的比较人视网膜祖细胞和脑神经干细胞的体外分化潜能。方法分离8~12周人胎儿神经视网膜和脑皮质、纹状体神经干细胞,进行无血清体外培养;

    Objective Investigating the potential of differentiation of human fetal retinal progenitor cells ( hRPCs ) and brain neural stem cells ( hBNSCs ) in vitro .

  12. 人脐血内皮祖细胞体外诱导分化的研究

    In Vitro Induction and Differentiation of Endothelial Progenitor Cells from Human Cord Blood

  13. 就是智慧人从列祖所受,传说而不隐瞒的。

    What wise men have declared , hiding nothing received from their fathers .

  14. 人脐血造血祖细胞体外培养的研究

    Studies on hemapoietic progenitor cells in human umbilical cord blood in vitro culture

  15. 正常人骨髓基质祖细胞体外传代培养的实验研究

    Studies on serial passage of bone marrow stromal cells in normal human in vitro

  16. 脂质体介导绿色荧光蛋白转染人脐血内皮祖细胞

    Liposome Mediated Green Fluorescent Protein Transfect into Human Endothelial Progenitor Cells Derived from Cord Blood

  17. 健康老年人骨髓多向祖细胞增殖能力和自我更新能力的研究

    Study on the Proliferative and Self-renewal Capacity of the Multipotential Progenitors from Marrow Cells of the Healthy Elderly

  18. 急性运动后健康人循环内皮祖细胞的动态变化及其与NO水平的关系

    Dynamic Changes of Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Its Correlation with Plasma NO Level in Healthy Subjects in Response to Acute Exercise

  19. 其核心是以独特的祖界(祖先们的世界)以及人死归祖的信仰。

    The core of it is the unique belief of the ancestral realm where everyone will go back to join their ancestors after their death .

  20. 年轻人回到了祖南的住处,说:“老师,这枚戒指连一块银子也没有人愿意买。”

    He went back to Zun-Nun 's residence and reported ," Teacher , nobody 's brave enough to offer more than one chip of silver . "

  21. 采用造血祖细胞培养技术研究了健康老年人骨髓多向祖细胞的增殖能力和自我更新能力。

    The hematopoietic progenitor culture method was used to investigate the proliferative and self-renewal capacity of the multipotential progenitors ( CFU-GEMM ) in the marrow cells of the healthy elderly .

  22. 目的探讨由动员人外周造血祖细胞体外培养扩增获得的树突状细胞(DC)的生物学特性,为临床应用肿瘤树突状细胞疫苗建立制备方法。

    Objective To obtain dendritic cells ( DCs ) from peripheral blood stem cells and hematopoietic precursor cells in vitro , and assess the feasibility of clinical application of tumor vaccine .

  23. 人胎肝造血祖细胞(CFU-C)的分离和保存

    Separation and storage of haemopoietic progenitor cell s ( cfu-c ) from human foetal liver

  24. 骨髓腔内输注人造血干/祖细胞促进NOD-SCID小鼠体内造血功能的恢复

    Intra-bone Marrow Infusion of Human Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem / Progenitor Cells Improves Hematopoietic Reconstitution in NOD-SCID Mice

  25. 动员人外周造血祖细胞定向诱导树突状细胞

    Generating dendritic cells by mobilizing human peripheral hematopoietic precursor cells

  26. 人骨膜间质祖细胞作为组织工程种子细胞的分子特征研究

    Functional and Molecular Characterization of Human Mastoid-Derived Periosteal Cell for Tissue Engineering

  27. 白细胞介素-2对人红系早期祖细胞生长的调节作用

    The Regulatory Role of Recombinant Interleukin 2 in the Proliferation of Early Erythroid Progenitor

  28. 人脐血来源内皮祖细胞的纯化鉴定及定向分化的研究

    Purification , identification and oriented differentiation of endothelial progenitor cells from human umbilical cord blood

  29. 人脐血来源内皮祖细胞促进裸鼠皮瓣存活的实验研究

    The study on EPC originated from human umbilical cord blood promoting neovascularization in ischemic skin flap

  30. 人多能造血祖细胞与前红系祖细胞体外培养的研究

    A study on semi-solid culture assay method for human pluripotent hemopoietic progenitors and pre-erythroid progenitors in vitro