
  1. 第4节基于我国2004年地区截面数据,提出并测算了基于人口素质指标体系的人力资本指数,作为人力资本的一个代表性指标。

    Section 4 put forward and measure the human capital index based on population diathesis variables system .

  2. 依据人口学静态分析与动态分析理论,构建体育人口测度指标体系。

    To sieving the sports population measurement indices , and set up an index system of sports population measurement in the light of the theories of static and dynamic analysis of demography .

  3. 利用已建立的人口现代化评价指标体系,对中国及各地区人口现代化发展的历史与现状进行了量化考察与分析。

    The current thesis analyzes the history and the current status of population modernization in China and various areas , utilizing the established index system of population modernization .

  4. 因此,论文尝试性地初步确立了一个衡量、测定中国人口现代化的指标体系,并对中国人口现代化的主要指标进行了考察,在此基础上对中国人口现代化问题作了六点简短归结。

    So the author attempts to set a preliminary indeses system in this article for the measurement of Chinese population modernization , and sum up six points for the problem on the basis of inspecting the main indexes .

  5. 中国老年人口生活质量评价指标体系的构造

    Settlement of Index System on the Aged Life of Quality

  6. 流动人口计划生育工作指标体系与考核评估方式初探

    A Preliminary Study of Indicator System and Evaluation Method of Family Planning in Floating Population

  7. 并对各个指标赋予权重,建立大城市外来少数民族人口社会融合评价指标体系。

    And entrusts with the weight to each target , establishes the big city external population of ethnic minority social integration evaluating indicator system .

  8. 首先,依据人口现代化理论设计出人口现代化指标体系。

    First of all , design the index system of population modernization according to the population modernization theory .

  9. 在PucGIS的实现过程中,以充分提供人口统计信息为重要目标,详细设计了人口指标体系;

    The detailed demographic index was designed in the system for exploring more information from census database .

  10. 本文从可持续发展的目标出发,分析了我国人口增长与资源匮乏的矛盾,结合中国的国情,设计了反映我国人口规模的指标体系,并提出相应的预警模型。

    From the objective of SD , the paper analyses the contradiction between population growth and resource scarcity , designs the index system and provides the early alarm model according to the actual conditions of China .

  11. 首先,在剖析人口失衡风险点的基础上,抽取出能表征人口失衡风险的指标,构建人口失衡风险预警指标体系并制定指标预警阈值。

    Firstly , indexes which can characterize the population unbalance risk are abstracted on the basis of analyzing the population unbalance risk points to constitute the population unbalance risk early warning indexes system , their rational threshold values being set .

  12. 文章从人口素质的基本内涵着手,运用定量研究和定性分析相结合的方法,着重对东西部人口素质进行综合评估,构建人口素质评价指标体系。

    With quantitative study and qualitative analysis , it focuses on analysis of East and West Population Quality in order to construct Population Quality evaluation index system .

  13. 人口现代化内容包含人口生育现代化、人口素质现代化、人口结构现代化、人口生活质量现代化和人口可持续发展现代化五个方面,从这五方面来建立人口现代化的指标体系。

    Population modernization 's content included population fertility modernization population making modernization population structure modernization population living condition modernization and population sustainable development modernization , this dissertation established indexes ' system of population modernization from above five aspects .