
xiàn yì jūn rén
  • serviceman, military personnel on active service
  1. 现役军人AIDS知识及相关态度调查分析

    Survey of AIDS knowledge and related attitude among the servicemen

  2. 敦豪快递(DHLExpress)连续第十年为现役军人运送圣诞树。

    DHL express , for the tenth year , is shipping Christmas trees to soldiers on active duty .

  3. 方法采用症状自评量表(简称SCL90)和卡特尔16种个性因素(简称16PF)测验,对244名空军地面现役军人进行了心理健康测试,并与国内有关研究成果进行比较。

    Methods Mental health test was carried out in 244 ground service men on active service through SCL 90 and 16 PF Test , and the results were compared with other domestic results concerned .

  4. 它包括我们的军队中的现役军人以及退伍军人。

    It includes active-duty members of our military and our veterans .

  5. 我是一个现役军人。我想知道你们那是否有适合我的人寿保险。

    I wonder if there 's some proper life insurance for me .

  6. 调查人员也将给予现役军人机会,让其吐露心声。

    They will also allow active soldiers a chance to speak out .

  7. 我在非现役军人档案中找到了他的名字。

    I found his name in the inactive files .

  8. 他现役军人干了八年

    He 's got eight years active army ,

  9. 现役军人所吃的一顿饭。

    A meal eaten by service personnel .

  10. 现役军人(含武警)的住址,是《居民身份证》记载的住址;

    Residence of serviceman ( including armed force ), as specified on the identification card ;

  11. 排名垫底的工作包括现役军人、伐木工人和报社记者。

    Careers that ranked the lowest included enlisted military personnel , lumberjack and newspaper reporter .

  12. 第十二条国家工作人员和现役军人,不得退出中国国籍。

    Article 12 State functionaries and military personnel on active service shall not renounce Chinese nationality .

  13. 提高现役军人的人文素养,是我军提高战斗力的必然要求。

    It is an inevitable requirement of improving our army combat by improving serviceman humanities quality .

  14. 这是我们现役军人第21次在祖国遭袭。

    Now , this is the 21st time our military men and women have been attacked here at home .

  15. 军队放弃了帮助现役军人进入学院每年超过500美元的学费援助。

    The military gives up more than $ 500 each year in tuition assistance to help active service members attend colleges .

  16. 布莱尔开场白就很伤感,他向在行动中遇难的三名英国现役军人的家庭表示慰问。

    Blair opened the session on a sober note , expressing condolences to the families of three British servicemen killed in action .

  17. 美国国防部长马克·埃斯珀表示,他反对动用现役军人来执行遏制骚乱的执法任务。

    U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper says he opposes the use of active-duty military forces for law enforcement duties in containing the unrest .

  18. 美国军方女发言人约瑟琳·阿伯丽上校接受《纽约时报》的采访时说,根据美国军方有关规定,在国外服役的现役军人不可与当地人通婚。

    The military 's fraternization policies prohibit active duty personnel from marrying local civilians , military spokeswoman Lieutenant Colonel Josslyn Aberle told the newspaper .

  19. (四)通运输部门要优先运送应召的预备役人员和返回部队的现役军人。

    Transportation departments must provide priority transportation for reservists who have been called up and for active servicemen returning to their units in the armed forces .

  20. 现役军人登记可以在一方当事人常住户口所在地或部队驻地。

    The active duty personnel could go to the constant registered permanent address locus belonging to one of the parties or army station to transact marriage registration .

  21. 研究退役士兵的就业问题对我国开展爱国主义教育,促进社会稳定,激励现役军人安心服役有着十分重要的作用。

    To do a research on the employment of ex-servicemen is so meaningful , which helps to foster social stability , motivate servicemen and strengthen the patriotic education .

  22. 而且,她还自办社团,为现役军人收发信件。此外,她还在学校做些杂活儿赚取费用。最骄傲的是,她每门功课都很出色。

    She also started a program collecting letters for active military troops and worked as a janitor at Burns to earn extra money - all while making straight A 's.

  23. 结论多次献血者或学生、现役军人是安全输血的低危人群,应作为主要选择对象。

    Conclusion : The repeated blood donors , students and active armies were low risk blood donor population . They should be selected as the major objects for safe transfusion .

  24. 玛丽王妃的丈夫,丹麦王储弗雷德里克在丹麦三军都接受过训练,是丹麦武装部队的现役军人。

    Mary 's husband Prince Frederik has also trained with the army , as well as the Navy and the air force , and remains active in denmark 's defense force .

  25. 同时也担负着提高现役军人政治素养、文化修养,传递军事信息、普及军事科技以及丰富军人文化生活的作用。

    Also charged with improving military service and political literacy , cultural enrichment , transmission of military information , universal military science and technology and a rich cultural life of the military role .

  26. 被执行人是现役军人或者军事单位的,可以委托对其有管辖权的军事法院执行。

    When the party against whom enforcement is sought is on active military duty or is a military entity , enforcement may be entrusted to the military court with jurisdiction over the party .

  27. 目前,韩国约有63万现役军人,这是朝鲜战争遗留的后果,也是在不断提醒人们,该国对北方敌国保持警惕。

    Currently , about 630000 soldiers are serving active duty , a vestige of the Korean War and a continuing reminder of the country 's vigilance against the hostile nation to the north .

  28. 第三十三条现役军人的配偶要求离婚,须得军人同意,但军人一方有重大过错的除外。

    Article 33 If the spouse of a soldier in active military service desires a divorce , the soldier 's consent must b e obtained , except that the soldier commits a serious fault .

  29. 所以,如果仅仅将文职人员薪酬与现役军人相比,就容易陷入军队文职人员工资偏低的错觉之中。

    Thus , if we simply compare the salary of civil services with that of servicemen , we will get into the misconception that the salary of civil services is on the low side .

  30. 传统的帮训教官队伍组织模式中教官全部由现役军人组成,容易导致部队周期性、阶段性的压力过大,同时也给高校学生的军训工作带来了一系列问题。

    Analysis of Military Training Situation and the Countermeasures in College Traditional drillmasters are made up of active army , which may bring pressure to the army and the problems to the military training in colleges .