
  • 网络Management Accounting;modern management accounting
  1. 运用现代管理会计理论加强物流企业经营管理

    Using Modern Management Accounting Theory to Strength Physical Distribution Government

  2. 现代管理会计信息的质量特征探析

    Inquire into Quality Character on Modern Management Accounting Information

  3. 在新的组织结构下,现代管理会计的关注重点必然会发生变化;

    So it will be substituted by the new project-driven structure .

  4. 现代管理会计不能忽视模糊现象。

    Modern administrative accounting is always connected with obscure phenomenon .

  5. 论现代管理会计的综合交叉性及其发展前景

    On the Comprehensive Intersection of Modern Management of Accounting and Its Prospect

  6. 现代管理会计报告体系的构建

    Construction of the Modern Management Accounting Report System

  7. 现代管理会计理论在高校的应用

    Application of Modern Management Accounting Theory at colleges

  8. 实证管理会计研究已成为现代管理会计研究的重点,是解决理论与实践相脱节的重要手段。

    Positive research on management accounting is the focus of modern management accounting and methods of solving theoretical and practrical problems .

  9. 西方经济学成本理论创新为现代管理会计提供了广阔的研究空间,它正推动着现代管理会计的迅速发展。

    The innovation of Western economics cost theory has provided a broad space and driven force for modern management accounting research .

  10. 如何促使现代管理会计理论在高校的成功运用,并力求建立一套完善的内部运行机制,对此作了一些有益的探索。

    How to promote successful appli-cation of modem managerial accounting theoty at colleges , and set out a perfect interior running system , this article has done some useful surveys .

  11. 责任会计是现代管理会计的重要组成部分,将责任会计应用于经营管理是现代大企业实施现代化管理的有效工具。

    Liability accounting is an important part in modern managerial accounting , and applying liability accounting in operation management is an effective tool for large enterprises to carry out modern management .

  12. 平衡计分卡作为现代管理会计领域的重要创新,从战略角度出发的重要的管理系统,被大多数企业认知并接受。

    Balanced Scorecard as an important field of modern management accounting innovations , from a strategic point of view of the key management system used by most companies to recognize and accept .

  13. 战略管理会计是战略管理与现代管理会计相融合的产物,是为了适应战略管理的需要而逐渐形成的会计学科的一个新领域,目前尚处于初期发展阶段。

    Strategic management accounting , the result of combining strategic management with modern management accounting , is a new field of accountancy in its primary stage which can meet the needs of strategic management .

  14. 知识经济时代对现代管理会计提出了具体的要求,它要求人力资源管理会计的发展和会计管理体系的创新。

    The intellectual economy age put for ward a certain requirement to the modern accounting management . It requires a new trail to the management and development of personnel resources and the accounting management system .

  15. 本文论述了现代管理会计信息的质量特征,并结合实际提出了提高我国企业管理会计信息质量水平的一些具体措施。

    In this paper , we have discussed the quality character of modern management accounting information , and put forward some concrete measures for the raise of quality level on management accounting information of our country 's enterprises with reality .

  16. 对短期经营决策假设进行研究,可以为短期经营决策方法的应用和拓展奠定基础,丰富现代管理会计理论内容。

    The study on the assumption of policy decision of short-term management can lay a foundation for the application of its methods , and enrich contents of the application of its methods , and enrich contents of modern management accounting theory .

  17. 将现代管理会计理论与方法用于中等职业学校(以下简称职业学校)的财务管理,以提高职业学校财务管理的科学性和规范性,这是我国教育体制改革发展的必然趋势。

    With applying the theory and method of managerial accounting to the financial management at secondary vocational schools ( abbreviated as vocational schools ), we can make vocational schools financial management scientific and standard , which is a certain trend of educational system reform and development .

  18. 现代成本管理会计研究;

    Presentation spot on modern cost management accounting application research ;

  19. 文章通过分析现代物流管理会计中存在的问题,提出了建立物流管理会计的重要性和必要性,阐述了建立物流管理会计的一些思路和方法,展望了物流管理会计作为一门新兴学科的发展趋势。

    The paper through analysis the problems of modern logistics management accounting , Put forward the importance and necessity that established logistics management accounting , Expounded some thoughts and methods that established logistics management accounting , expected the development tends of logistics management accounting as a new subject .

  20. 责任会计是现代管理学科在会计中的体现。

    The responsible accounting is an embodiment of modern management in accounting .

  21. 会计管理活动论、会计信息系统论、会计控制论三种定位理论,在价值取向上代表了现代会计中管理会计的观点。

    Three kinds of localization theories : " accountant manage mobilism "," accounting information system theory "," accounting cybernetics ", have represented the view of accounting for management of the modern accountants on the value orientation .

  22. 现代企业应用战略管理会计的必要性及对策

    Necessity of Applying Strategic Management Accounting in Modern Enterprises and the Countermeasures

  23. 现代汽车企业战略管理会计的研究

    Research on Strategic Management Accounting in Modern Auto Enterprises

  24. 论文在对连云港港口物流有限公司物流活动进行全面调研的基础上,综合运用现代物流管理、财务会计、管理会计等理论与方法,对港口物流有限公司物流成本控制进行研究。

    In Lianyungang port logistics Co. , LTD. of Logistics Activity thorough investigation , and on the basis of comprehensive use of modern logistics management , financial accounting , management accounting theory and method of port logistics Co. , LTD. The logistics cost control .

  25. 引入完全成本理论、可持续增长理论、边际利润理论、资源配置理论、或有及虚拟成本理论等现代经济学、高级管理会计理论,对商业银行成本管理模型进行了充实和完善。

    Meanwhile , some modern economy theories , senior management accounting theory such as the whole cost theory , going - increase theory , margin profit theory , resources dispose theory , cost contingency , fictitious cost are also employed to further enrich and improve the cost management model .

  26. 在中西诗学融会的流程中孤独前行&中国现代叙事诗的现代性考察论现代管理会计的综合交叉性及其发展前景

    The Solely Development in the Confluence of Chinese and Western Poetic Theory-a Modern Perspective of the Modern Chinese Ballads ; On the Comprehensive Intersection of Modern Management of Accounting and Its Prospect