
  • 网络Production control system;DCS;PCS;MES;APIOBPCS
  1. 基于PLC技术的果汁生产控制系统

    Control System of Juice Production Based on PLC Technology

  2. STD总线工控机用于湿法磷肥生产控制系统

    Application of STD bus industrial control computer to control system for wet superphosphate process

  3. MANTRA控制器在酒精生产控制系统中的应用

    The application of MANTRA controller in the production control system of ethyl alcohol

  4. 介绍了PLC在纯生啤酒生产控制系统中的应用,并结合生啤的工艺特点对系统的硬件结构和软件设计作了详细叙述。

    The application of PLC in the control system of pure draft beer brewing is presented , and also the hardware and software design of the system are focused in detail .

  5. 100t/d碾米厂微机生产控制系统

    A Microcomputer Process Control System for 100 t / d Rice Mills

  6. 本文将ERP系统分为八个子系统,即基础信息系统、产品数据系统、计划管理系统、仓储库存系统、质量检验系统、采购进货系统、生产控制系统、销售订单系统。

    The ERP system is divided into 8 sub-systems . They are base information system , product data system , project management system , storage system , quality control system , stock system , production control system , sale & order form system .

  7. 本文内容包括:ERP的发展与基本理论、智能决策支持技术与理论研究、ERP生产控制系统的研究及系统模型的建立、基于制药行业的结合智能决策支持的ERP生产控制系统的设计与实现。

    The contents include : the development and basic theories of ERP , the research of intelligent decision support theories and technology , the research of Shop Floor Control system and theoretical model about it , the design and realization of Shop Control System with intelligent decision support technology .

  8. 最后从功能和使用效果两个方面对以APS为核心的精益生产控制系统与现有系统进行了比较分析,证实了以APS为核心的精益生产控制系统的先进性、可靠性和有效性。

    Finally , according the function and result of using the thesis analyzed and discussed the lean production control system and the existing systems . It verified the lean production control system based on APS is advanced , reliability and validity .

  9. 单片微型计算机在乳化沥青生产控制系统中的应用

    Application of single chip microcomputer in control system emulsified asphalt production

  10. 氯乙烯生产控制系统的改造

    Improvement on the controlling system for the production of vinyl chloride

  11. 铜扁线连续挤压生产控制系统数学模型的实验测定法

    Experimental modeling of the control system of continuous extrusion production of copper strip

  12. 网络化制造中车间层生产控制系统体系结构及部分关键技术研究

    Research on Workshop Floor Production Control System Architecture and Key Technologies for Networked Manufacturing

  13. 上位机采用工业监控组态软件实现对整个生产控制系统的监控。

    Industrial configuration software is utilized to realize monitor to the whole production control system .

  14. 单件和小批量生产控制系统

    Single-piece and small-batch production control systems

  15. 最终经软硬件集成以及控制回路的测试后完成整个H-酸生产控制系统。

    After the final test of hardware and software integration we completed the entire H-acid production control system .

  16. 在生产控制系统中,研究了需求决策控制、装配作业控制、零部件供应控制和库存控制的作用与内容。

    In production control system , the functions and contents of demand decision control , assembling control , components-supplying control and stock control are studied .

  17. 在分析项目实际情况的基础上,结合用户对生产控制系统功能的需求,完成了控制系统的总体方案设计。

    Combined with the needs of users in production control system functions and the analysis of the project to complete the overall design of the control system .

  18. 为了达到生产控制系统和安全控制系统的快速实时通讯,利用动态数据交换技术,开发生产控制系统和安全控制系统的数据接口。

    In order to implement systematic real-time communication , we use dynamic data exchange technology to exploder the data interface of manufacture control system and safety control system .

  19. 本论文结合轮胎胎面生产控制系统设计这个工程实际项目,对基于控制网络技术的生产设备监控系统设计方法进行了研究。

    Combining a actual project about design the control system of tire tread extruding line , the thesis introduced a control system of equipment based on the Infrastructure Network technology .

  20. 在分析目前汽车行业供应链管理存在问题的基础上,结合生产控制系统的CON-WIP/Pull生产控制模式的特点提出了基于时间竞争的CONWIP/Pull供应链运营模式。

    According to the existing problems of inventory management in automobile trade , time-based CONWIP / Pull supply chain operation model was put forward by the combination of CONWIP / Pull production method in automobile trade .

  21. 本文阐述了系统等效器的构造原理,以及采用系统等效器进行仿真控制的实验研究,为生产控制系统的前期试验提供一种有效的试验方法。

    Deals with the structural principle of the system equivalence device and carries out the experiments of the simulation control performed with it , thus providing an effective test method for the primary experiments of a process control .

  22. 业务管理的不规范和化工流程生产控制系统的复杂性决定了采用综合自动化系统来实现企业信息的集成与应用,以便解决这些现象,提高企业整体效益和竞争力。

    The unstandardized managements of operation and the complexity of chemical flow manufacture control system decide that realizing integration and application of enterprise information should adopt integrated automation system , so that it can resolve these phenomena , enhance the whole benefit and competition .

  23. 基于PLC的涤纶工业丝聚合生产的控制系统

    Control Systems in Polymerize Production of Dacron Industry Silk Base on PLC

  24. 基于PLC的水泥生产过程控制系统

    DCS Control System of Production technics of cement based PLC

  25. 模糊自寻优PID在中药生产自动控制系统中的应用

    The Application of Fuzzy-look Best in Traditional Chinese Medicine Manufacture

  26. 国产化CO2烟丝膨胀生产线控制系统

    Homemade CO2 Cut Tobacco Expansion Production Line Control System

  27. 基于PLC的阴极铜自动包装生产线控制系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Copper Auto-Packaging Production Line Control System Based on PLC

  28. 最后实现了电镀生产线控制系统软件的设计,将模糊PID智能算法应用到PLC控制系统中。

    The fuzzy PID intelligent algorithm was applied in the PLC control system .

  29. 三聚氯氰生产PLC控制系统

    PLC Control System for Production of Cyanuric Chloride

  30. PLC和触摸屏技术在真空玻璃生产线控制系统中的应用

    Application of PLC and Touch Screen Technology to Control System of Vacuum Glass Production Line