
  • 网络CAREER MANAGEMENT;organizational career management
  1. 美国职业生涯管理服务机构RightManagement的高级副总裁莫妮卡•莫罗表示,很显然,担心被裁的员工工作效率会降低。

    Understandably , employees afraid of losing their jobs can be less efficient , says Monika morrow , senior vice president of career management services in America for right management .

  2. CJ地产公司员工职业生涯管理研究

    Study on Occupation Career Management of CJ Real Estate Corporation

  3. 运用问卷调查方法,研究了自我职业生涯管理(ICM)以及职业承诺对职业生涯成功的影响及其影响机制。

    The effects of individual career management and career commitment on career success were studied by using survey .

  4. 再是结合DY公司战略和人力资源规划,建立了基于职业生涯管理的拜师学艺的目标、关系、教学模型。

    Thirdly , the objectives , relationships and teaching models of apprenticing with the great masters based on the career management have been built , combined with the strategies and human resources planning of DY company .

  5. 本文以国有电力企业GX供电局为研究对象,采用员工满意度问卷调查和因素分析方法,对GX供电局员工职业生涯管理进行了研究。

    This article takes the GX power supply bureau as the research object to study its staffs ' professional development by applying the staffs ' satisfaction investigation and the method of factors analysis .

  6. 本文选取FC公司为研究对象,FC公司技术人员由于受人才市场严峻的竞争环境,以及生涯管理体系不健全等内在因素影响,公司员工一直处于低工作效率、高流失的状态。

    As an influence result of the personnel market stern competitive environment , as well as the career management system is distemperedness , and so on intrinsic factor , the technical personnel in FC Corporation has been at the low working efficiency and high outflow state .

  7. 第二部分对BD广告装饰有限公司的基本情况、市场、人力资源管理、职业生涯管理的现状及问题进行研究分析,为职业生涯管理体系设计提供实践依据;

    Part two introduces the situation , market , human resources management and status of career management of BD Advertising Adorning Limited Company and analyzes all the problems on these aspects , giving the practical base for design the career management system .

  8. 组织视角的高校图书馆员职业生涯管理研究

    Study on the Career Management of College Librarians from Organization Perspective

  9. 变革环境下的员工心理契约与职业生涯管理

    Psychological Contract and Career Management under the Changing Landscape of Work

  10. 基于胜任力模型的公务员职业生涯管理研究

    Study on Career Management of Public Servants Based on Competency Model

  11. 此研究证明了组织职业生涯管理的必要性。

    The result shows that organization career management is very important .

  12. 火力发电企业知识型员工职业生涯管理研究

    Study on Knowledge Employees ' Career Management in Thermo Power Plant

  13. 中学信息技术教师职业生涯管理研究

    Study on Career Management of Information Technology Teacher in Secondary School

  14. 对防范管理防御的职业生涯管理对策的思考

    Thinking of the Career Management Countermeasures for Dealing with Managerial Entrenchment

  15. 第一章介绍职业生涯管理的涵义和职业生涯管理的意义,指出为什么企业要推行职业生涯管理。

    Chapter 1 introduces the contents and significance of career management .

  16. 综合管理类公务员职业生涯管理研究

    Research on Career Management for Civil Servants in Integrated Management Category

  17. 组织职业生涯管理与员工自我职业生涯管理相关显著。

    Organizational career management has positive correlation with individual career management .

  18. 管窥组织在职业生涯管理中的角色

    A Survey of the Role of Organization in Professional Career Management

  19. 企业性质、规模对组织职业生涯管理具有显著影响。

    Organizational characteristics magnitude have great affect on organizational career management .

  20. 中学教师职业发展阶段及其对自我职业生涯管理效果的调节作用研究

    Career Stages as Moderator between Individual Career Management and Its Effects

  21. 分析员工的生命周期,做好职业生涯管理;

    Analyze employees 's life cycle and manage professional career development ;

  22. 民营企业核心员工职业生涯管理研究

    The Study on Career Management of Core Staff at Private Company

  23. 供电企业搞好员工职业生涯管理的探讨

    Discussion on the Professional Career Management of Power Supply Enterprise Staff

  24. 国有商业银行女性员工的职业生涯管理研究

    The Study of State-owned Commercial Banks to Female Employee Career Management

  25. 饭店大学生员工职业生涯管理研究

    Study on Graduate Employee 's Career Management in Hospitality Enterprises

  26. 高校图书馆员职业生涯管理系统的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of the University Librarian Career Management System

  27. 组织职业生涯管理对工作投入影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Effects of Organizational Career Management on Work Engagement

  28. 职业生涯管理在电力体制改革中的应用研究

    Application Research on Career Management in Electric Power System Innovation

  29. 初创期企业的组织职业生涯管理

    Organizational career management in the initial stage of an enterprise

  30. 高校教师职业生涯管理探究

    Probe into Teachers ' Career Management in the Institutions of Higher Learning