
  • 网络shengmai drink
  1. 与ALI组比较,地塞米松组和生脉饮组肺组织病理明显减轻,各生物学指标及NO、iNOS也相应下降(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    Compared with ALI group , in the dexamethasone and Shengmai drink groups , the histopathological changes were significantly milder , and the above biological indexes of lung injury and the contents of NO and iNOS were correspondingly ( decreased )( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 上市药品生脉饮健康志愿者临床耐受性再评价

    Clinical Reevaluate of the Tolerance of Marketed Drug - Shengmai Drink

  3. 复方生脉饮对小鼠心肌LDH同工酶的影响

    Influence of " Pulse Vitalizing Tonic Compound " on Heart LDH Isozyme of Mice

  4. 方法:取患者在常规使用强心剂、利尿剂及血管扩张剂的基础上予生脉饮加味治疗,测定血浆脑钠素(BNP)浓度及左心室射血分数,并与对照组比较。

    Methods : Chronic cardiac failure patients were treated in cardiac tonic and diuretic agent , then in modified pulse-activating powder . BNP concentration in plasma and left ventricular ejection fraction of treatment were compared with control .

  5. 结果:动物实验表明愈心合剂能明显降低VMC小鼠血清心肌酶、TNF、IL-2,升高血清SOD,降低心肌组织MDA,均优于生脉饮对照组(P0.05);

    Result : Animal experiment indicated that Yuxin Mixture can significantly decrease serum enzyme of myocardium , TNF , IL-2 and increase serum SOD , decrease myocardial tissue MDA in VMC mice , all results were better than Shengmai Yin group ( P0.05 ) .

  6. 临床研究显示愈心合剂治疗小儿VMC的总有效率达96.67%,临床治愈率为63.33%,均优于生脉饮对照组(P<0.05)。

    Clinical study showed that the total effective rate were 96.67 % and the cured rate were 63.33 % in the Yuxin Mixture group , better than Shengmai Yin group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 目的:修订生脉饮的质量标准。

    Objective : To revise the quality standards for Shengmai oral liquid .

  8. 生脉饮对小鼠生长发育和学习记忆的促进作用

    Facilitation of Shengmai Yin on Growth Development and Learning and Memory in Mice

  9. 生脉饮防治抗精神病药物不良反应120例

    Shengmai Yin prevention and cure of adverse drug reaction of antipsychotics 120 cases

  10. 加味生脉饮治疗冠心病心绞痛70例

    70 Cases of Coronary Heart Disease and Angina Pectoris Treated by Supplemented Shengmai Decoction

  11. 生脉饮质量标准研究

    Study on quality standards of Shengmai Oral Liquid

  12. 目的:探讨生脉饮加味对慢性心力衰竭患者的作用。

    Objective : To discuss the effect of modified pulse-activating powder on chronic cardiac failure patients .

  13. 生脉饮加味治疗病毒性心肌炎生脉饮加味对慢性心力衰竭患者血浆脑钠素水平的影响

    The Effect of Modified Pulse-Activating Power on Brain Natriuretic Peptide in Blood Plasma of Chronic Heart Failure Patients

  14. 生脉饮加参附汤对急性心肌梗死后心绞痛患者左心功能的影响

    Influence of Shengmai Drink add Shenfu Decoction on left ventricular function in patients with angina pectoris after acute myocardial infarction

  15. 结论:生脉饮加味可明显降低慢性心力衰竭患者的血浆脑钠素水平,改善患者左心室收缩功能。

    Conclusion : modified pulse-activating powder has function to decrease BNP in plasma and improve left ventricle systolic function in chronic cardiac failure patients .

  16. 强心冲剂中剂量组和生脉饮组心肌细胞凋亡数每高倍视野2.7个,心肌细胞凋亡数多于强心冲剂高剂量组和卡托普利组而少于心衰模型组;

    The number of apoptosis cells in the medium dosage group was higher than that in the high dosage and captopril groups respectively but lower than that in the model group .

  17. 目的:本实验旨在研究生脉饮能否通过抗氧化作用(清除羟自由基)保护红细胞膜。

    Objective : The experiment is meant to investigate whether the Shengmai Drink has the function of protecting red blood cell membrane by way of anti-oxidation ( clearing away the hydrogen radicals ) .

  18. 结果:生脉饮及其成分对小鼠体重、脑重、大脑皮层厚度及饲料转化率有促进作用,与对照组比较有显著差异(P<001);

    Results They had a facilitation on body weight , brain weight , cerebral cortex thickness and forage transportation rate . There was a significant difference compared with the control group ( P < 001 );