
  1. 鉴于西部民族地区农村经济落后,贫困人口较多,农户缺乏生产经营性资金的现实,大力开展农村小额信贷并保证其可持续性发展具有重大的现实意义。

    As the fact that rural economy is backward , proportion of the impoverished population is higher , and the peasants lack the fund for production , to promote small credit in rural area and maintain sustainable development have practical significance .

  2. 本文在文献[1]的基础上对生产经营领域资金耦合及运动作了系统分析,论证了资金运动与经济结构间的适应性,并初步论述了资金系统的有序运动。

    This paper makes a systematic analysis of the funds coupling and movement in the production and business management based on the reference document [ 1 ] . It proves the self-adaptation between funds movements and economic structure , and discusses orderly movement of funds system .

  3. 财务是指企业生产经营过程中资金的投入与收益活动及其所形成的特定的经济利益关系。

    The finance is the activity of capital investment and income shares and its specific economic interest relation at the process of business operation .

  4. 金融在经济发展的过程中扮演着非常关键的角色,产业集群的发展也同样离不开金融为其生产经营活动提供资金支持和特色服务。

    Finance plays a very important role in the process of economic development , industrial clusters also need financial support and special services from the financial activities .

  5. 一般说来,企业需要根据自身的发展战略,通过一定的融资渠道和融资方式筹集生产经营所需资金,然后通过投资活动将筹集到的资金最终转化为资本。

    Generally speaking , according to development strategy , enterprises need raise the developing funds through certain channels and financing methods of financing , and then ultimately translate into capital by investment activities .

  6. 是对生产经营所需资金的筹集、运用、分配以及资金运动的全过程的筹划、预算、控制、考核、分析等方面的全面管理。

    It is a overall control for raising , using and allocating funds needed in manufacturing and operation and whole course plan , budget , control , appraisal and analysis of funds movement , etc.

  7. 担保物权具有融资功能,可以使企业顺利获取生产经营所需资金,它已经成为社会融资的重要手段;担保物权可以充分发挥财产的效用,实现了物尽其用的目的。

    Security Interests have a financing function , which can make the enterprise get the production funds smoothly . It has become an important means of social finance . Security Interests can make the best use of the property .

  8. 甲方不提供乙方输营业执照所需的注册资金及乙方生产经营所需的资金。

    Party A shall not provide Party B the registered capital as required by the business license and any funds for production and operation .

  9. 小额贷款已成为发展中国家帮助低收入者扩展生产经营的一种资金融通方式。

    Small amount loan is an import financing method in helping low-income expanding their production and operation in developing countries . Rural population is huge in China .

  10. 介绍了英国石油公司的发展史及组织机构,重点叙述了该公司的生产与经营现状、资金实力与投资动向、领先技术及对华业务情况。

    The article briefly introduces the history and organization structure of BP Company , focuses on describing its production and operation status in the world , capital strength and investment trends , leading technologies in the refining and petrochemical fields , and finally its business conditions to China .

  11. 营运资本是企业流动性最强的资金,贯穿于企业整个生产经营活动,是企业进行持续生产经营活动必不可少的资金,被誉为企业生产经营活动的血液。

    Working capital which is essential to the continued production and management , is the most liquid capital and exists in the whole process of the production and operation activities of enterprises . That is why it is known as the blood of the production and operation activities of enterprises .