
  • 网络productive noise;Industrial noise;occupational noise
  1. 军事工业生产性噪声对工人听力的影响

    Effect of productive noise in military industry on workers hearing

  2. 生产性噪声对纺织女工非听觉系统的影响

    A Study on the Effect of Industrial Noise on Non-hearing System of Female-weavers

  3. [方法]对170名生产性噪声作业工人进行听力检查,引用累积噪声暴露量(CNE)进行分析。

    [ Methods ] Hearing of 170 workers exposed to production noise were examined and cumulative noise exposure was analyzed .

  4. 而NES-C3可以用于生产性噪声暴露工人神经系统亚临床损害指标的早期判断。

    The Nes-C3 could be used to detect the workers exposed to noise at their subclinical stages .

  5. 目的研究工业企业生产性噪声危害的综合评价方法。

    Objective To study the comprehensive evaluation methods for noise hazard of industrial enterprises .

  6. 生产性噪声对作业工人健康的影响

    Influence of industrial noise on workers ' health

  7. 某石油化工企业生产性噪声的调查及治理评价

    Investigation on Occupational Noise Exposure and Evaluation of Its Control Efficiency in a Petrochemical Company

  8. 目的了解采石场生产性噪声对作业人员健康的危害。

    Objective In order to evaluate the impact of industrial noise on workers'health in quarry site .

  9. 目的评价工作场所非稳态生产性噪声对作业人员健康的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of non-steady noise produced in the work places on the health of workers .

  10. 本文调查了黑河市各县(市)区9个行业,32家厂矿企业的生产性噪声。

    This article investigate production noise in 9 lines of business in the city and town of HeiHe , 32 factories , there are 441 work sports about production noise .

  11. 目的应用Meta-分析方法,对1980年以来所发表的关于生产性噪声与高血压关系的流行病学研究进行分析,由此提供噪声与高血压因果关系的线索,进一步确定噪声与高血压的关联。

    Objective To make a Meta-analysis of the literatures published since 1980 about the epidemiologic surveys of the relationship between noise and hypertension , and try to find hint on the correlation between noise and hypertension for further determination of their association .

  12. 方法选择淄博市7个主要工业行业的22个工业企业为调查研究对象,测定生产性噪声强度和噪声作业人员的听力,按照等效连续A声级的大小对噪声作业岗位进行分级。

    Methods We choose 22 factories in seven industries , determined the intensity of industrial noise and hearing of workers who exposed to noise . The workplaces were classified into some grades according to high or low equivalent consecutive sound level A .

  13. 结论:该燃煤火力发电厂生产性粉尘与噪声危害严重。

    Conclusion : The production of coal-dust and noise of serious harm .

  14. 钢管生产企业生产性噪声对工人健康影响的调查

    Effect of Industrial Noise on Health of Workers in Steel Pipe Production Enterprise

  15. 目的:了解燃煤火力发电厂生产性粉尘和噪声的危害及其特点,为今后燃煤火力发电厂职业卫生管理以及职业卫生技术服务提供客观依据。

    Objective : Understanding of coal-fired power plants produce dust and noise hazards and characteristics of coal-fired power plants for future occupational health management and occupational health service to provide an objective basis .