
rónɡ xǔ nónɡ dù
  • Allowable concentration;tolerance concentration
  1. 目的研究低浓度一氧化碳(CO)的神经行为毒理学效应及限时最大容许浓度(MAC)。

    Objective To study the effect of low concentration CO on neurobehaviour function and the maximal allowable concentration ( MAC ) in limited time .

  2. 目的估算铁路隧道作业现场的最高容许浓度(MAC)。

    Objective To assess the maximun allowable concentraion ( MAC ) of dust in field of railway tunnelling work .

  3. 结果显示大部分土样中的Pb、Cd、Cu和Zn都超过了土壤中植物正常生长的最高容许浓度。

    The results show that the concentration of Pb , Cd , Cu and Zn in the most of soil samples exceed the maximum tolerable concentration for plants to normally grow .

  4. 结论建议氰氨化钙的最高容许浓度为3mg/m,8h时间加权平均浓度也是3mg/m。

    Conclusion The recommended maximum allowable concentration is 3mg / m , the TWA is 3mg / m 8h .

  5. 目的:修订核潜艇舱室空气组分容许浓度(GJB11-84)。

    Aim : To revise the maximum allowable concentrations of atmospheric components in nuclear submarines ( GJB11-84 ) .

  6. 但我国是采用最高容许浓度,因此,ACGIH提出的卫生标准可作为我国卫生标准。

    But in our country , the hygienic standard of copper dust adopted is based on MAC . Therefore we suggest that the hygienic standard recommended by ACGIH may be taken as our standard .

  7. 环丁砜在地面水中最高容许浓度的研究

    An investigation of maximum allowable concentration of sulfolane in surface water

  8. 作业环境中石棉尘容许浓度的探讨

    Discussion about the allowable concentration of asbestos dust in working environment

  9. 目的估算铁路隧道现场粉尘容许浓度。

    Objective To estimate onsite dust allowable concentration in railway tunneling .

  10. 水源水中四氯化碳最高容许浓度的研究

    Studies of Maximum Allowable Concentration of Carbon Tetrachloride in Source of Drinking-water

  11. 生活饮用水黄磷最高容许浓度研究

    Study on the MAC of Yellow Phosphorous in Drinking Water

  12. 地面水中磺化粗菲最大容许浓度的研究

    Studies on Maximum Permissible Concentration of Crude Sulfonated Phenanthrene in Surface Water

  13. 车间空气中乙苯最高容许浓度的研究

    Studies on MAC of ethylbenzene in the air of workplaces

  14. 修订车间空气中溶剂汽油容许浓度的研究

    Study on Revising the allowable concentration of solvent gasoline in the workshop

  15. 水面舰艇舱室空气组分容许浓度

    Permissible concentration of air composition for naval surface ship

  16. 灰色数列模型对水泥粉尘容许浓度的研究

    Study on grey mathematical arrays model for the allowable concentration of cement dust

  17. 褐煤尘最高容许浓度的研究

    A Study on Maximum Allowable Concentration of Lignite Dust

  18. 煤港煤粉尘最高容许浓度研究

    The Highest Allowable Coal Dust Concentration at Coal Harbors

  19. 铁路隧道现场粉尘容许浓度的估算探讨

    Estimation of Onsite Dust Allowable Concentration in Railway Tunneling

  20. 车间空气中镉最高容许浓度的修改意见

    About the revision of maximum allowable concentration of cadmium in air of the workshop

  21. 对制订粉尘容许浓度中几个问题的探讨

    Some problems in the enactment of maximum allowable concentration ( MAC ) of dust

  22. 铁路隧道工现场粉尘最高容许浓度的估算

    Assessment of maximum allowable concentration ( MAC ) of dust in field of railway tunnelling

  23. 粉尘容许浓度的合理估算

    Rational estimation of allowable concentration of dust

  24. 灌溉污水中苯并(a)芘最高容许浓度的探讨

    Discussion of highest permitted concentration of B ( a ) P in the irrigation waste water

  25. 日平均最高容许浓度

    Daily average maximum allowable concentration

  26. 新的工业粉尘可以动物实验结果作为制订粉尘容许浓度的根据。

    MAC of new industrial dust might be laid down according to the results of animal experiment .

  27. 目的:研究潜艇舱室空气中有害气体的组成及主要成分的浓度,为研究潜艇空气控制系统和修订潜艇舱室空气组分容许浓度提供依据。

    Aim : To investigate the cabin air composition and concentration of main components in the submarine .

  28. 未知放射性核素最大容许浓度许多开路机器在动态试验时,加载速度和刚度之间只有单值关系。

    In many open-loop machines , there is single-valued relationship between loading rate and stiffness during dynamic testing .

  29. 从铁合金尘肺发病情况探讨铁合金粉尘容许浓度

    The investigation of allowable concentration of the dust of ferroalloy from the condition of incidence in pneumoconiosis of ferroalloy

  30. 作者建议吸入性石英粉尘的最高容许浓度以0.35mg/m~3为宜。

    The authers suggest that 0.35 mg / m ~ 3 suitable for the establishment of MAC of inhalable quartz dust .