
  • 网络Capacity Test;capacity testing;Volume Testing;Volume Test
  1. 另外,在容量测试中,测试可能会不间断的运行。

    On the other hand in Volume testing , the test execution may go on and on .

  2. 容量测试通过系统对大量数据的处理时间来找到系统的弱点。

    Volume testing is performed to find weaknesses of the system with respect to its handling large amounts of data over time .

  3. IP网络视频会议系统中MCU的容量测试方案及实现

    Scheme and Implementation for Measuring the Capacity of MCU in IP Video Conference System

  4. IP视频会议系统中MCU容量测试方案探讨

    Discussion of a New Method for Measuring the Capacity of MCU in IP Video Conference System

  5. Unix环境下的容量测试探讨

    Research on Capacity Test in Unix

  6. 提出了一种针对高速、大容量测试数据的多DSP实时并行处理方法。其中DSP采用了环形的互联方式对数据按块处理。

    A real-time block parallel processing implementation , using a multi-DSP system in a ring network , is proposed for high-speed and massive testing data .

  7. 群件(Groupware):这种工作负载是针对处理大量信息的Notes用户的容量测试。

    Groupware : This workload is a capacity test for Notes users that process large amounts of information .

  8. 而本文中所设计的测试设备程序已经在实验室环境之中运行测试通过,用实践证明了本文所设计的MCU容量测试方案原理的正确性和可行性。

    The test device designed in this scheme to test the capacity of MCU has passed the test in experimental environment . Practice has proved the correctness and feasibility of the scheme principle for the capacity test of MCU designed in this paper .

  9. 验证试验表明,该方法得到的成熟度均值与棉纤维大容量测试仪(HVI)测得的马克隆值之间具有显著地线性关系,相关指数大于0.85。

    Confirmatory experiments show that there is a linear correlation ( R2 is greater than 0.85 ) between average maturity get from the proposed method and micronaire measured by High Volume Instrument ( HVI ) .

  10. 然后利用NS-2网络仿真程序进行了隧道容量测试、隧道建立率测试以及性能测试。最后本文利用本工具对随机的DUT设备进行了实地测试。

    Then , taking advantage of the simulation program of NS-2 network , it conducted the tunnel capacity test , the tunnel setup rate test , and performance test . Finally , this paper used the tool to conduct the field test on the DUT devices randomly .

  11. 铅蓄电池的容量测试和寿命预测

    The Capacity Testing and Life Forecasting of Lead - acid Batteries

  12. 基于阻抗电压法的变压器容量测试装置的研制

    Study on transformer capacity testing equipment based on impedance voltage method

  13. 铅酸蓄电池组容量测试与活化技术研究与实现

    Research and Realization of VRLA Battery Capability Prediction and Activation Technology

  14. 充放电方式对MH/Ni电池容量测试的影响

    Influence of Charge-Discharge Conditions on the Capacity of MH / Ni Battery

  15. 四通换向阀低压侧制冷剂压降及容量测试

    Measurement of low-side refrigerant pressure drop and capacity of four way reversing valves

  16. 卤化银感光材料的计算机应用研究(Ⅱ)&信道容量测试

    A Study on Photographic Material AgX by Using Computer (ⅱ) - Measurement on Channel Capacity

  17. 工作记忆容量测试仪的虚拟实现

    Virtual instrument for working memory capacity measurement

  18. 一种基于单片机的超声膀胱容量测试仪的软硬件设计。

    Software and hardware design of an ultrasonic bladder volume scanner based on MCU is introduced .

  19. 容量测试:研究程序能处理的最大任务数。

    Volume test : Study the maximum number of the tasks the program can deal with .

  20. 超声膀胱容量测试仪的研制

    Development of ultrasonic bladder volume scanner

  21. 铅酸蓄电池蓄电容量测试是了解蓄电池正常运行的一个重要组成部分。

    VRLA battery storage battery capacity test is to understand the normal operation of an important part .

  22. 电池容量测试方法比较

    Comparison on Battery Testing Methods

  23. 产品用途:用于叠片电容器的自动切割、容量测试和赋能。

    Application : This machine is designed for automatic cutting , capacitance testing and clearing of stack capacitors .

  24. 测试包括功能测试,隐蔽性测试,水印容量测试,鲁棒性测试和安全测试。

    The test concludes function test , invisibility test , watermark capacity test , robustness test and security test .

  25. 介绍了几种电池组容量测试方法,并从实现方法、组成及效果等方面给以探讨和比较。

    This article introduces several battery capacity testing methods , discusses and compares the composition and effect of such methods .

  26. 本课题即基于ARM+uCinux平台设计并实现一套蓄电池容量测试仪,主要研究内容分成以下几个部分:1.设计测试仪的硬件系统。

    The main content of the research is as following : 1 . Designed hardware of the accumulator test instrument .

  27. 性能测试可以和容量测试以及压力测试并行地完成,这是因为你想在所有的载入条件下都到达性能指标。

    Performance testing can be accomplished in parallel with Volume and stress testing because you want to assess performance under all load conditions .

  28. 对于大容量测试,很难准备测试数据,并在运行时将其提供给自动化工具。

    For large volume tests , it 's difficult to prepare test data and feed this test data to the automation tool at runtime .

  29. 测试泵体裂纹或破裂。与油泵压力测试和油泵容量测试一起进行该测试。

    Examine block for cracks or fractures . Use this test in conjunction with the Fuel Pump Pressure Test and Fuel Pump Capacity Test .

  30. 所有学生完成了工作记忆容量测试、学习风格调查问卷、以及听力水平测试,并采用其六级考试成绩作为综合语言水平的成绩。

    A series of tests have been done to measure their working memory capacity , learning style preferences , listening comprehension achievements and language proficiency .