
rónɡ cuò xìnɡ nénɡ
  • Fault tolerance performance;fault freedom
  1. 实现具有实时&容错性能的CORBA中间件的研究

    Research on implementing real-time fault-tolerant performance for middleware based on CORBA

  2. 结构化P2P覆盖网络提供一个自组织、可升级且容错性能好的合作P2P应用平台。

    Structured peer-to-peer overlay networks provide a self-organizing , scalable and fault tolerant substrate for cooperative peer-to-peer applications .

  3. 虽然服务器厂商们对其高端机型中的容错性能津津乐道,但Google更乐意将钱投到容错软件上。

    Server makers pride themselves on their high-end machines'ability to withstand failures , but Google prefers to invest its money in fault-tolerant software .

  4. EMP效应下计算机容错性能测试系统的研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of a Fault Tolerant Property Evaluation System for Computers under EMP Environment

  5. 同时随着交换节点和服务类型的增多,路由算法具有容错性能以及支持QOS功能也不断得到重视。

    With the increasing of traffic patterns and switching nodes , the routing function which include fault-tolerant and Qos supporting also desire more and more attention .

  6. 把Logistic回归算法训练得到的分类超平面用于指导演化过程,提高了电路的容错性能。

    We use the classification hyperplane trained by logistic regression to guide the evolutionary process and this method is beneficial to improve the fault tolerance of circuit .

  7. 针对主流的DCT变换结合运动补偿的视频编码框架,论文从提高其容错性能入手,同时兼顾压缩效率和运算复杂度的要求,重点进行了以下几个方面的研究。

    For the state-of-the-art video coding algorithm using DCT and motion compensation , this thesis aims to enhance its error resilience , while preserves its coding efficiency and computation complexity .

  8. 与单路径路由算法相比,多路径路由具有更好的容错性能和提供更多的聚合带宽,更加适合全球覆盖且网络拓扑频繁变化的LEO卫星系统。

    Multipath routing is better than single path in terms of providing fault-tolerant pathes and polymerization bandwidth which is suitable for LEO satellite systems with global coverage and changing topology .

  9. 分布式视频编码(DistributedVideoCoding)具有编码复杂度低、编码端耗能少、容错性能好等特点,特别适用于计算能力低、内存容量小、耗电量受限的无线视频终端。

    With the advantages of low encoder complexity , low power consumption and strong error resilience , the Distributed Video Coding ( DVC ) is very important for the wireless video terminators which have limited computation ability , storage capability and power consumption .

  10. 鉴于存储查询过程中的URL规范化需求,提出了一种基于有限状态机的URL解析方法,有效地提高了解析的效率和容错性能。

    In view of the URL standardization of the process of store and query , we apply a new URL parsing method which is based on Nested FSM , improving the parsing efficiency and fault-tolerance performance .

  11. 实现工程问题逆向求解模式的功能图形对象技术具有容错性能的6R机械手位置反解

    Methodology of Functional Graphic Object for the Reverse Solution of Engineering Problem Position reverse solution on 6R manipulator with error tolerance property

  12. 具有容错性能的6R机械手位置反解钻井防喷人机系统可靠性模型与容错设计

    Position reverse solution on 6R manipulator with error tolerance property RELIABILITY MODEL OF MAN-MACHINE SYSTEM AND ERROR TOLERANCE DESIGN IN DRILLING BLOWOUT CONTROL

  13. GA-NN模型在输配电系统中诊断容错性能的评估

    Assessment on fault-tolerance performance using GA-NN model for fault diagnosis in transmission and distribution systems

  14. 实验证明,此方法可取得较好的容错性能,可应用于公共交换电话网(PSTN)和无线信道上的视频传输。

    It has been found that this method can obtain better error resilient performance and can be applied in video transmission over Public Switch Telephone Network ( PSTN ) and wireless channel .

  15. 在Sage-Husa滤波基础上,提出了其改进的滤波算法,以解决它在容错性能差和高阶状态阵滤波发散等方面的问题。

    Based on the analysis of the Sage-Husa filter , a new improved Sage-Husa filter is given to apply in the GPS / INS integrated system .

  16. 神经网络(NN)和模糊系统的结合,保留了双方的优点,充分利用了模糊神经网良好的容错性能、计算性能、分类性能和决策性能。

    The hybrid system based on the combination of neural network ( NN ) and fuzzy system maintains their advantages and makes full use of error tolerence performance , calculation performance , classification performance and decision performance for fuzzy neural network .

  17. 该文又考虑了把故障信息受随机因素干扰而产生的变异故障样本加入NN的训练样本集中,以提高NN的容错性能。

    It is also considered in the paper that the basic fault pattern ( BFP ) can be formed into variational fault pattern ( VFP ) when disturbed by the stochastic factors , and the fault-tolerance performance ( FTP ) can be enhanced by training the NN with VFPs .

  18. 因此本文提出的应用层组播系统CPN-Multicast在CPN的基础上构建,充分利用CPN分组的特点,提出多根组播源、多会话的组播模型,利用分组间相互提供冗余服务,具有良好的容错性能。

    This article proposed application-layer multicast system CPN-Multicast based on the construction of CPN , utilize of the features of CPN grouping , address a model of multiple multicast source , multi-session , using each group to provide redundant services , has good fault tolerance .

  19. 多传感器融合系统具有高度的容错性能。

    Multisensor fusion system is characterized by its highly fault toleration .

  20. 双通道永磁同步伺服系统的容错性能

    Fault Tolerant Operation Mode of Dual-Channel PMSM Servo System

  21. 合理的电机结构设计可以大大提高电机的运行性能和容错性能。

    Reasonable motor structure design can greatly improve motor performance and fault tolerant capacity .

  22. 故障检测与隔离是保证组合导航系统容错性能的重要措施。

    Fault detection and isolation is crucial to support the fault-tolerance of integrated navigation system .

  23. 较现有算法而言,提出算法具有一定的容错性能。

    The proposed algorithm is error-tolerant in a certain extent compared with the existing algorithms .

  24. 基于软件故障注入的容错性能评测技术

    Fault-Tolerance Evaluation Based on Software-Implemented Fault Injection

  25. 而神经网络方法由于有超强的学习、容错性能,对解决非线性问题的效果较好。

    But the neural network has strong ability to learn and rectify to resolve non-line questions .

  26. 故障注入技术被证明为评测容错性能的一种有效手段。

    It has been proven that fault injection is an effective method to evaluate fault-tolerant performance .

  27. 所得结论可用于含时延的大规模通有神经网络动力系统的容错性能评价以及综合过程。

    These results can be used for evaluation of error-correction capability and synthesis procedure of the networks .

  28. 检查点系统为节点提供了较好的容错性能,因此成为机群操作系统软件的重要组成部分。

    Checkpoint System provides good fault tolerance for computing nodes and becomes important cluster operating system software .

  29. 计算机仿真试验证实学习算法与动力学稳定性的正确性,并表现出良好的容错性能与存储容量。

    The validity of the learning algorithm and the dynamical stability are confirmed by the computer simulated experiments .

  30. 该方法充分融合了粗集理论强大的规则生成能力和神经网络优良的容错性能。实验表明,该方法快速有效,生成规则简单准确,具有良好的鲁棒性。

    Experimental results show that this algorithm can produce more effective and simpler rules quickly and possesses good robustness .