
  • 网络volume loss;Volumetric Loss;water loss
  1. 齿轮泵的能量损失主要包括容积损失和机械磨擦损失。容积损失主要体现为泄漏。

    The gear pump energy loss chiefly consists of the volumetric loss and mechanical loss .

  2. 指出控制摩擦损失、泄漏损失和余隙容积损失是提高膨胀机效率的关键。

    The methods of reducing the loss of friction and leakage are paramount important to improve the efficiency of expander .

  3. 垃圾卫生填埋场导气沟槽控制范围的估算关系到填埋运行费用、填埋操作的复杂性和填埋场容积损失等工程问题。

    The determination of controlling range concerns the cost and complexity of operation , the decline of the site volume .

  4. 综合考虑水力损失、容积损失和圆盘摩擦损失,以期得到比较好的全面性能预测结果,并总结出一种应用于离心泵全面性能预测的可行方法。

    The object is to get a satisfied prediction result and conclude a method of global performance prediction of the multiple centrifugal pump .

  5. 研究结果表明:压差、间隙宽度、进口圆周速度,间隙长度等因素均对容积损失与圆盘摩擦损失有影响。

    The result showed that the leakage loss and the friction loss were related to the pressure difference between , the size of gap , the circumference velocity , etc.

  6. 口环间隙通过改变离心油泵的容积损失功率和机械损失功率(叶轮圆盘摩擦损失)影响离心油泵性能。

    The pump performance would be affected by the two clearances in such a way that the clearance alters both volumetric leakage power loss and mechanical power loss ( dick friction loss of impeller ) .

  7. 通过对双流道泵叶轮和蜗壳里的水力损失、容积损失、机械损失的分析,提出了双流道泵扬程曲线、效率曲线的性能预测方法。

    On the basis of analyses of hydraulic losses , volume losses and machinery losses of impellers and volutes of double channel pumps , the performance prediction methods of the head curve and efficiency curve of double channel pump were provided .