
  • 网络capacitative current;capacitive current;capacity current
  1. 在分析了预击穿电流、容性电流与施加电压的相位关系之后,提出了用构造法来获得工频预击穿电流。

    Analyzing the relations between pre - break-down current , capacitive current and applied voltage , a construction method is proposed .

  2. 采用电流比较器高压电桥可平衡掉试品中容性电流,大大提高损耗电流的测试精度。

    High-voltage current-comparator bridges can balance out the capacitive current of test products , which greatly improve the precision of loss current testing .

  3. 用容性电流补偿法检测XLPE电缆中阻性电流的研究

    Research on measurement of resistive current in XLPE cable using capacitive current compensation method

  4. 改进的容性电流补偿法能减轻电网谐波给金属氧化物避雷器阻性电流测量造成的误差,有效地获得MOA的阻性电流。

    The error , caused by power system harmonics , in measuring resistive current of metal oxide surge arrester can be lessened by improved capacitive current compensation method . And resistive current of MOA can be acquired effectively in synchronous sampling .

  5. 从原理、试验上,论证了MOA新的在线监测方法(即容性电流补偿法)可以测得MOA的基波、三次阻性电流,适用于长期在线监测。

    In theory and in practice , it may be concluded that a new MOA on-line monitoring ways , measuring the MOA resistive fundamental frequency current and the MOA resistive 3rd harmonic resistive current , is applicable in a long run .

  6. 特高压断路器容性电流开合试验方法研究

    Study on Test Method of Capacitive Current Switching for Ultra-high Voltage Circuit Breakers

  7. 容性电流补偿法原理简单,但不适于三相同时测量;

    The method of capacitive current compensation is simple , but could not be used at three-phases synchronous measurement .

  8. 主要介绍特高压断路器容性电流开合试验方法&合成试验法和直接试验法。

    This paper mainly introduces test methods of synthetic test and direct test for capacitive current switching for ultra-high-voltage ( UHV ) circuit breakers .

  9. 并提出了改进的容性电流补偿法,用以求取电网谐波电压情况下的阻性电流。

    This article will analyze this effect and put forward an improved compensation method to separate the resistive leakage current under the existence of harmonic voltage .

  10. 发电机带长线路甩负荷时,因容性电流对发电机产生助磁作用从而使发电机发生自励磁和过电压。

    Self-excitation and over-voltage caused by generator load rejection with long lines occurs because of the capacitive current has a function to help the magnetic excitation of the generator .

  11. 建议采用同时监测全电流、介质损耗因数、阻性电流和容性电流的综合策略来有效评估和诊断电介质的绝缘状况。

    A comprehensive strategy of simultaneous monitoring of sum current , dielectric loss factor , resistive current and capacitive current is recommended to give an effective assessment and diagnosis .

  12. 电网对地分布电容的存在是接地点产生故障电流的主要原因,在电网的中性点与大地之间加装消弧线圈,可使容性电流得到补偿,从而使接地点的电流减小。

    For the distributed capacitance of the network is the main cause of the fault current , it can be compensated and reduced by installing arc suppression coil ( ASC ) .

  13. 现代配电网中负荷密度的增大,以及大量电缆的使用,使得配电网的容性电流达到了一个较高的水平。

    In modern distribution , network load density increases , and the use of a number of cable , makes the capacitive current of the distribution network to a higher level .

  14. 配电网中电缆数量的不断增加,网络的容性电流不断增大,有的网络容性电流甚至超过几百安培。

    The increasing number of cable in distribution network , the capacitive current of the network is increasing . Some capacitive current of the network even more than a few hundred amperes .

  15. 介绍了直流电压下的泄漏电流测量和工频电压下的全电流测量及阻性电流测量方法中的容性电流补偿法、三次谐波法以及基波法。

    Measuring leakage current of MOA at DC and total current at AC as well as resistive current component using capacitive current compensation , thrice-frequency harmonic or base wave method were introduced .

  16. 进行容性电流补偿以后,对发射电流中高频脉冲电流进行峰值检测,该峰值与灭弧室内真空度呈现单一对应关系。

    The relationship between the maximum amplitude of HF impulse current superimposed in the emission current after compensating capacitive current of pre-breakdown current and vacuum degree under testing is directly and uniquely corresponding .

  17. 此外参照补偿法,利用容性电流与电网电压之间π/2的相位差,设计了采集算法来得到基波阻性电流。

    In addition , referencing the compensation method and using the π / 2 phase difference between the capacitive current and power grid voltage , an acquisition algorithm is devised to gather the resistance current .

  18. 联接在中性点与地之间消弧线圈的电抗值要在抵消90%至110%容性电流所需值的范围内。

    The reactance of this coil , which is connected between the neutral , and ground is made in the range 90 to 110 per cent of the value required to neutralize the capacitance current .

  19. 从换相失败的机理入手,分析换相失败的过程和各个影响因素,采用运算法研究换相失败时直流和交流电流的变化,以及向受端注入高谐波电流和容性电流产生的影响。

    With the help of operation circuit method , this article also analyzes the changes of DC and AC currents when there are commutation failures , and the influences caused by injecting high harmonic currents and capacitive currents into receiving-end system .

  20. 干式空心电抗器是电力系统中广泛应用的重要设备之一,主要用于补偿容性电流、限制合闸涌流与短路电流、滤波、平波等作用。

    Dry-type air-cored reactor is one of the important equipments , which is widely used in electric power system , mainly used in the compensation of capacitive current , limit inrush current and short-circuit current , filtration , flatten the wave .

  21. 1100KVGIS隔离开关分合容性小电流试验中的暂态电压测量

    Transient Voltage Measurement in Switching Small Capacitive Current Test of 1 100 kV GIS Disconnector

  22. 文章利用容性耦合电流放大器作为压控振荡器的基本反馈单元,并在输出端增加MOS电容来控制振荡频率;

    The capacitive coupled current amplifier is used herein as the basic feedback unit of the VCO and the oscillation frequency is controlled through MOS capacitance in the output .

  23. 电抗器作为限制电力系统的操作过电压和空载过电压、抵消高压输电线路的容性充电电流的重要设备,对电力系统的安全稳定运行起着至关重要的作用。

    As a device to restrain the operating over voltage and unloaded over voltage and counteract capacitive character charging current in long transmission lines , inductor play an important role in the safety and stability of the whole electric power system .

  24. 同时为了克服硬开关的开关损耗大,感性关断电压尖峰大,容性开通电流尖峰大等问题,软开关技术的研究成为了发展趋势。

    At the same time , soft switching technology is becoming the trend of development , because , for hard switching , its switch loss , the peak value of inductive breakaway voltage and the peak value of capacitive switch-on current is large .

  25. 并联电容器单台保护用高压熔断器容性开断电流试验方法的研讨

    On the Capacitive Cut & Out Current Test Method of High Voltage Fuse for the Individual Protection in Parallel Capacitors

  26. 研究了低气压容性射频放电电流密度与离子到达被加工材料表面的能量通量之间的关系。

    The relation between low-pressure capacitive RF ( radio frequency ) discharge current density and the ion energy flux when reaching the material surface is investigated .

  27. 通过确定CMOS逻辑器件的各种参数与馈通电流和容性负载充放电电流的定量关系,得出设计CMOS逻辑器件的各种参数以减小ΔI噪声,从电磁兼容的角度提出了设计CMOS器件的方法。

    The quantitative relation between the parameters of CMOS and the two currents is determined by calculation . Then the design of CMOS to reduce Delta I noise is achieved in the point of view of Electromagnetic Compatibility .

  28. 基于非线性最小二乘拟合的容性、阻性电流信号分解算法

    The Capacitive Current and Resistive Current Decomposition Algorithm Using Nonlinear Least Squares Method

  29. 低气压容性射频放电中电流密度对鞘内离子能量通量的影响

    Effect of Current Density on Sheath Ion Energy Flux in Low-pressure Capacitive Radio Frequency Discharges